How To Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Median nerve controls and monitors the sensations that run down to the thumb and the palm. This is not the case with the sensation of the little finger. Carpal tunnel has median nerves and tendons and when these get compressed due to whatever reason, it triggers pain in the palm and wrist pushing it to the arm . It can also cause a lot of weakness in the affected area. It is also caused when these nerves are compressed and the reason could be any.
Even if your palm experiences itching sensation along with, you must get it checked up. Your palm of the hand and the fingers could feel numbness. All symptoms affect these three the most. In severe cases some people are not able to tell the difference between hot and cold. Like all major nerve related problems , in this case too the symptoms begin to surface at night. They say that their fingers are swollen but the swelling is not visible. Any delay in the treatment means the symptoms could get aggravated. Please do not be your own doctor with the help of what you might read about it anywhere. There are many underlying causes too like diabetes and arthritis. These underlying causes should be treated first before taking treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Once the treatment is given for underlying conditions, the doctor will first give initial treatment by asking you to rest the affected hand and the wrist for a minimum of two weeks. The best is to avoid doing any such activity that worsens the symptoms. So the best is to stay away from computer. In some cases the doctor could immobilize the wrist in a splint to avoid any further damage. If you have a splint on , the wrist will be saved from the agony of any accidental damage. There are both non surgical as well as surgical treatments available for carpal tunnel syndrome. He will review and confirm what kind of treatment is necessary to restore normalcy.
He will be able to decide which one should you go for. There are many people who still prefer this. The doctor makes an incision of about two inches in the wrist. Then he enlarges the carpal tunnel by cutting the carpal ligament. This surgery leaves very little discomfort after the surgery. For non surgical treatments there are drugs, and alternative therapies, along with exercises that must be done religiously to restore normalcy.
Also gather more details on carpal tunnel syndrome treatment.