ED hardy hats in Wenzhou
To achieve a seamless connection with the globaled hardy mens business, this strategic planning is advancing rapidly. Wenzhou Foreign Trade by the Hong Kong apparel industry platform, How to stop orders for Overseas Trade and the impact of declining to find new points of economic growth, foreign trade and garment industry in Wenzhou has become in recent years taken an active participation of orders going out of objective reasons.
Wenzhou clothing merchants to choose Hong Kong as a Ed Hardy shift of foreign direct trade training and comprehensive starting point to enter the international market. “The existence of warm clothing in Hong Kong strongly complementary to each other, to tide over the financial crisis in the shadow of the common in the international apparel market changes in the search for a head start, has been the association of common concern between the two places and think about.
The Hong Kong ed hardy hats Garment Manufacturers Association, the industry will lead the development of the building in Wenzhou clothing representative to set up internationalmeans that Hong Kong will be the fastest growing business information, order lead Wenzhou foreign trade platform for public development costumes.
Responsible for one platform, Wenzhou Teng, chairman of ed hardy hats , said through a representative office of international trade, local enterprises in Wenzhou homes, you can access to global customers.
It means that ed hardy hats has it’s home in Wenzhou now.