Anesthesia Clinical Tutor and Calculator Application

The solution bridges the gap between clinical anesthesia, reference books and practical functioning. It provides a complete guide to anesthetists by assembling easy to use interactive tools, performs all complex calculations and providing instant results with guided explanations to ensure coverage of critical points. The solution also maintains records of patients for future reference.

Business Challenge:

1. Computing technology has great potential to improve healthcare management but is often underutilized. Handheld computers are versatile and relatively inexpensive, and when blended with medical knowledge, help produce and extremely timely and useful tool such as ACTc.

2. Learning the art of Anesthesia requires a solid understanding of the science of Anesthesia. While in training, practitioners are easily impressed by the breadth of information they must master.

3. ACTc helps simplify and guide this task by assembling easy to use, interactive tools performing all complex calculations giving instant results with guided explanations to ensure teaching of critical points.

Software Solutions:

1. Interactive Tutor and help screens.

2. Patient Data – core data is entered here, foundational in most calculations.

3. Vital Statistics based on entered patient data.

4. Dierent Anesthetic snapshot set ups –

a.         View any variations in -uid needs, medications and patient specific blood requirements – completely customizable.

b.         Adds dierent scenarios – Standard GA, RSI ED Dept, Neurology, Vascular, MAC cases.

5. Fluid Screen – Evaporative, NPO, hourly Fluid Needs shown in an ongoing hourly basis.

6. MH (Malignant Hyperthermia) Guides.

7. Drug Screen – Analgesic, Emergency, Paralytics, Sedatives, Reversals, Anti – etnetics, and more.

8. Labs-

a.Common lab values used in Anesthesia.

b.New additions of a PH/ETCO2/K Calculator : Teaching the principles of electro-neutrality and acid base balance for various acute and chronic states.

9. Regional – o Anatomical 3D images o Spiral and Epidural Guides ( Opiates Duration, Side Eects, 2 level Regression, Age/Pregnancy Dosing, Updated Dermatome and Peripheral nerve charts).

10. Updated Blood Screens and Resuscitation Information.

11. Inhalation Agent Guides – o Teaching changes of Age, Temperature, Time Constants, and Varying Clinical MAC Multiples.

12. Airway – Equipment.


1. Interactive Tutor and help screens.

2. Vital Statistics based on entered patient data.

3. Different Anesthetic snapshot set ups.

4. Inhalation Agent Guides. And much more.

Endeavour is a specialist Mobility company since 2002. Endeavour has been providing strategic consulting and mobile application development services for Mobile enabling businesses in the Manufacturing, Media, Print, Healthcare, Consumer solutions, Telecom and Business Intelligence verticals.

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