Learn Tips On How To Choose The Best Running Shoes
It would be impossible to identify the best jogging footwear since every runner would differ in their preference in footwear. One person may feel comfortable in a certain pair, while the other person may not. In general, there are 3 main attributes that a runner should consider when choosing a pair of running shoes. These are motion control, cushioning and stability. A pair of best running shoes should have all three qualities, but only to some extent. Too much cushioning, for instance, would impair an overpronated runners performance. On the other hand, underpronated feet may feel uncomfortable in stability footwear.
Pronation is a term that has to be understood well when shopping for a pair of running footwear. This is the inward rolling of the foot as we move or walk forward. One should land on the outer edge of his heels as he walks or runs. Some people may pronate excessively as they move forward, while some would stop at a normal degree. One way to check for pronation is by looking at the heel of your shoe. If it looks straight then you have normal feet. An inward tilt means your feet are probably overpronated.
Cushioned pairs provide the most support and are ideal for moderate to high-arched feet. They work best for efficient runners who need minimum medial support but greater midsole cushioning.
Forefoot and midfoot strikers find this type of footwear comfortable. Because of the rigid support that they provide, cushioned pairs are not ideal for flat feet. Overpronators are better off with motion control footwear.
Motion control footwear are preferred by overpronators or those with flat feet. This footwear gives enough cushioning for the medial arc as it supports the rearfoot. Large athletes or those who have a heavy frame feel more comfortable in a pair of motion control pairs because they have unusually low arches. Motion control shoes offer added durability and support.
Stability footwear would work for mild to moderately overpronated runners. They provide adequate midsole cushioning and medial arc support for moderately flat-footed runners. Stability shoes offer just the right amount of durability and support.
Trail pairs are made for rugged terrain. Off-road runners would love its tough outer sole for improved traction. These are best for off-road running. Most styles offer weather-resistant and weather-proof features. Trail shoes are designed to maintain stability even on rough trails.
Performance training footwear are recommended for seasoned runners who are looking for a lightweight pair that will not hamper their running. It is best for racing, but may also be used for speed-training. Moderate overpronators may find these comfortable to wear for daily training. This is a well-balanced pair that is perfect for both training and racing.
Racing footwear are meant for biomechanically efficient individuals who can manage to run well with minimal help. These pairs are extremely lightweight and are also ideal for racing and jogging. They will certainly not interfere with a runners stride during a race. Because of their lightweight structure, racing footwear are not for runners who are recovering from an injury or accident.
The nike free run is designed for the neutral sports man looking for a responsive, lightweight running shoes.