Simple Surviving A Break For Girls Secret – How Do I Stop Dreaming About Him?
Are thoughts and photographs about your ex lover haunting you? Do you need help removing him from your mind? These directions will bring you comfort from the discomfort of breakup .
Guidance 1 : Just Think About Him If You Want .
You may think this is counter-intuitive nevertheless it works like sorcery . Here’s the rationale : “What you resist will continue to persist.” What this means is that the more you resist your urge to think about your ex lover, the more your inner self will find ways to sidle up on you and hurl pictures of your ex into your thoughts.
Therefore, the neatest thing you can do now is to surrender yourself to the proven fact that you DO want to think about him and just let yourself do it. Instead of scolding yourself for being puny, hear your intuition.
To help accelerate your process, rest in a silent place by yourself, and let yourself imagine your ex lover. Communicate with him during your visualization process.
[Warning : You might cry or begin to feel very irritated . If that’s the case , just let yourself feel your feelings. It helps to express your hate and betrayal by hitting pillows .]
When you’re feeling ready, bring to mind someone who loves you . It could be your mum, dad, grandmother, granddad, God, Great Spirit, and so on. Imagine them being kind and caring to you – cuddling you and letting you cry in their lap .
Remember that feelings are only short lived . It is totally normal to grieve when a relationship you cared a lot about breaks up. So give yourself permission to mourn and feel whatever you are feeling .
Advice 2 : Remove everything in your house that makes you think of him .
Have you ever realized that when you hear an old song that you used to play a lot when you were younger, you tend to return to those times and reminisce? That’s because our mind makes associations with circumstances, folks and items. It immediately attaches meanings to objects and places . Hence, if you actually need to stop thinking about your ex lover, you must try your best to grab everything surrounding you – that makes you think of him – and put it in a box.
Get rid of the box if you can Otherwise, ask one of your good chums to temporarily keep it for you. If you do nothing else but declutter your home, you’ll feel an instant improvement in mood !
Advice 3 : Use Reverse Psychology On Yourself.
Pour your heart out to someone. Just keep talking about your ex lover till you find yourself getting sick of the topic.
This is comparable to ‘Advice One : Stop fighting your urge to contemplate him ‘. But you need to ensure you keep speaking until you do not want to talk about him anymore .
How can this strategy doubtless work? Imagine you like to eat meat. So one day, you go for a meat smorgasboard. During the buffet, you pork out on meat. Although you feel full, you refuse to stop and keep feeding your body with beef until you ultimately become ill and throw up. Do you believe you will still need to eat meat the day after? Not likely, yes?
So that’s what I am trying to say by using reverse psychology on yourself. Overload your mental system with thoughts about your ex lover until you feel totally bored about considering him.
Women are very affected by a relationship breakup. And when a relationship doesn’t work out for us, the other bits of life begin to suffer as well.
Please be kind to yourself in this distressing period. Concentrate on activities that make you grin. Eat some ice-cream, surround yourself with beauty, purchase some flowers to brighten your day, go for a spa or massage, get a manicure , etc.
Continue reminding yourself you are loving, lovable and loved. The better you treat yourself, the earlier you will find yourself thinking less about your past relationship . Take some time to recover from the loss .
What if I told you that your relationship doesn’t need to end this way?
Discover the exact actions and words you need to say and do in order to stop your breakup, divorce or lover’s rejection… even if your situation seems hopeless, especially if you are the only one trying by CLICKING HERE NOW: