Save On Gas, Make Your Car Fuel Efficient
With the implosion of gas and fuel prices these past few years, we don’t realize it but we have been shelling a big amount of money just to keep our vehicles on the road, and it only gets worse as tensions in the Middle East would affect the prices of crude in the market. In order to save gas, here are some fuel saving tips to help you cope with the skyrocketing pump prices of gas and fuel. The first is really a no-brainer; ride the public transportation system instead of driving you car. It might take you a longer time to get to your destination but you are able to save more money when compared to driving you car everyday and you contribute in minimizing carbon emissions across the country. And if you can’t commute because your office is miles away from your home, I suggest you find a place to stay near your office or find for work near your home. If all else fails and you still want to drive your car, I suggest joining a carpool or you could opt combine your trips, like doing errands while on your way to work, so you could maximize your car’s fuel economy.
If you really need to drive your car, here’s how to save money on gas. When looking for a gas station don’t be brand specific, look for stations that offer the best deal, as most brands carry the same type of fuel as tankers go to the nearest refinery to restock. Moreover, buy fuel early in the morning or late in the evening as fuel is dense during the said the period and when filling up your car remember not to overfill your tank this results to sloshing and you are wasting precious fuel.
Before going on a trip, be sure to check your car is it’s properly maintained as it would eat 25% less fuel compared to those not properly tuned. Wheels should also be check before starting your trip as tire pressure affects fuel mileage by 6% per pound lose. Avoid idling your car because you want it to warm up as it would cost you fuel while staying stationary. Travel in accordance to the legal speed limit, as it would not only keep you safe but as what studies have shown that you get better fuel mileage and you would surpass strong wind resistance. For those who own vehicles with manual transmission, traveling on a fast rate while maintaining low gears increase fuel consumption by 45% and doing so would increase the wear and tear on engine parts. Also when driving, avoid slowing down or speeding up too fast. You are wasting more fuel compared to those people, who are driving steadily.
Despite the exorbitant increase of fuel within the decade, car makers and dealers worldwide still found a way to market their vehicles. They have invented fuel-friendly cars that run efficiently on less fuel. With hopes that our dependency for fuel would lessen and start looking for a “greener” solution. With such actions, we are helping not only ourselves but also our mother Earth.