Clean Your Windows Registry to Fix Most of Your PC Problems
What are the major symptoms of a PC with registry problems? Simply said, it is sluggish – the start up time takes more than a couple of minutes and the shut down takes forever. The program can become unresponsive and erratic at the most inopportune time.?
Before your registry is corrupted, you have to fix your PC registry right away. After the crash and a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), you will not be able to boot in Windows. This is one of the worst things that can happen to your Windows machine, because you essentially nuked it out of orbit and the easiest fix you can do is to reformat your PC and reinstall Windows.
Before registry problems become worse, you have to take care of it . The fact is that Windows is like a vintage sports car that needs constant maintenance. Surprisingly, when you are using Linux or Mac OS X, these registry problems are unheard of in these systems. The reason why Linux and Mac OS X are not prone to crashes and unreliability is simply because they don’t have the Windows registry. The truth is, even Windows experts and hardcore Windows users mock the Windows registry. It is really that bad of a programming decision on Microsoft’s part.?
Here is how you can fix PC registry problems. Before you really need to manually remove invalid entries in your registry. Remember the Windows registry editor? If you don’t remember, it’s okay, for it’s been a long time the last time I opened up the Windows registry editor.
Mouse over the start menu to gain access to the?Windows registry editor. Then click on run. Next, type regedit.exe in the run form, then press enter. Regedit will launch and now you can manually edit your registry.?
This author cannot uphold the concept of registry hacking to remove invalid entries. This is a very dangerous thing to do especially if you don’t know what you are doing. Damaging the registry will result in an unrepairable Windows install.?
The best thing about the present is that we don’t need to manually remove invalid entries in the registry. There are a couple of good products out there today that can automatically scan the registry for orphaned entries, malicious entries and even invalid entries.
You can use registry scanners to help you fix your Windows registry from becoming a mess. It is like giving your Windows registry a much needed overhaul to keep it in shape and ready for work anytime of the day. Registry cleaners will also help your registry against corruption and damage, thus ensuring the safety of your music, videos, and other important data.
So the lesson we have learned today is to take care of your Windows registry. It may be a bad decision from the beginning, but it makes Windows possible, it makes Windows function. You have to know the pros and cons if you want to be a Windows user.
James Knox
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