How to Tune a Violin Easily

If you want to know how to tune a violin it can seem like a very difficult task, especially if you are not musical or have only just started playing the violin and your ears have not developed into those of an experienced musician yet.

There are several different ways you can tune a violin, but in this article I’m going to give you a little known secret technique that is hardly used by any string players, yet is used all the time by guitarists.

To get your instruments strings to the perfect pitch you can simply use a guitar tuner. This is a small electronic device that picks up the sound of a note and then indicates whether that note is too flat or to sharp.

I think many people do not use this method because they think it only works on a guitar but the device has a small and sensitive microphone that will pick up the sound of a violin, piano, trumpet, clarinet, guitar and many, many other instruments.

There are lots of different guitar tuners available in all good music shops. Any guitar tuner will do the job well, but the more expensive ones are the best. The most high-tech guitar tuners actually work through vibration. You can clip the device onto the head of your violin, then pluck the string you wish to tune and the tuner knows which string it is automatically, then telling you to tighten or loosen the string.

Some of the more basic guitar tuners require you to select the string on the device first. Thus letting the device know which string is in question. You will see six strings on a guitar tuner E, A, D, G, B, E. For the violin this is fine to as you need four of the 6 G, D, A, E.

When you are learning how to tune a violin it may be a good idea to take your violin to a music shop when you are purchasing your guitar tuner and ask someone experienced to demonstrate this technique to you.

If you are serious about your musical skill and learning the violin online, then head here:
Violin Master Pro
Perhaps the most popular resource on instrumental teaching?

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