Olive Garden Coupons on eBay
Seeking for an Olive Garden Coupon isn’t that hard as you would imagine, you just need to know where to look and the right keyword phrase to use.
Finding restaurant coupons isn’t all that hard. Everyone knows you can look in the newspaper, perhaps the mail. Another good source that sometimes goes unnoticed is EBay.
The first step in finding bargains is knowing how to search for the many different types of coupons or gift cards available. The other thing to consider is how much you are willing to pay. Some coupons on EBay are actually gift cards. So to save money, you need to buy them at a discount.
When using EBay, the way you do the search will generate far different results. For example: typing Olive Garden Coupons, will generate a result of all items with all three words in any order. Type it in quotes as: “Olive Garden Coupons” then you will only get listings with the phrase exactly as you typed it. If you are seeing more results than you expected, you can filter the search by bid amount or category, etc. There are several advanced search commands available to narrow your search down to what you’re looking for.
The second part of the search is a little tougher, everyone has a price that they are willing to pay. I find the key for me is deciding my top price before I start bidding. If you are bidding on coupons, consider how much your saving, along with how hard it is to find a particular coupon. If you are bidding on gift cards the math is easier to do, consider how reputable the seller is along with how much cash value the gift card has. Just don’t let yourself get caught up in a bidding war, which could lead to paying more than you should have. Good Luck.
J Cox runs several websites designed to locate coupons and bargains of all types. A good example is http://www.coupon-restaurant.com/ for a good source of coupons.