Blocked Drains Nevermore
It has happened, you are taking a shower and you notice that you are all of a sudden taking a bath, or perhaps you have flushed a fourth time and the water level is getting to a dangerously unhygienic height. What do you do when you discover that your drains have been blocked? Read along for a few common solutions.
Regular Water Drains
Regular water drains are any drain with a spigot above it. This will be most of the drains in your house including all of your sinks, your shower and even the drains where a washing machine or dishwasher disposes of water.
Chemical solution – the use of chemicals is the most common and generally the first option to attempt when trying to clear a drain yourself. Chemical uncloggers can be bought for less than five dollars and most of the time your drain will be cleared within a few hours and maybe a couple of bottles depending on how bad the clog is. Keep in mind that these chemicals are not good for the environment and it is possible that even if you get the clog free that the chemicals will not completely clear your pipes.
Mechanical solution – the snake is a classic tool used in plumping but can cause a lot of damage when used incorrectly. While it is handy to have a device that can reach down and pull things out of your drains remember two things; your drains were meant to flow down and your drains were not meant to go into. These two facts mean that bad stuff can happen when using drain snakes if incorrect movements are made, anything from broken pipes to an even larger clog is possible of resulting.
Toilets can be the most challenging of all the drains to unclog, while sometimes a toilet clog is easier to clear other times it is nearly impossible to clear without professional help.
The plunger – the toilet plunger is the first and most of the time the final step that a homeowner wants to take when clearing a toilet. Plungers are simple, they cannot hurt your system and they do not put any harmful chemicals into the environment. Once you have used a plunger to the best of your abilities if the clog is still there it is best to call a professional in to fix your blocked drains. This will prevent any unfortunate messes and ensure that your toilet will still work after the drain is cleared.
Following the above tips is fine but most of the time it is best to find a professional service to clear your blocked drains. An experienced professional can ensure that no further damage will be done and the drain is completely cleared.
Just use the provided links to know more about the blocked drains