Pregnancy with PCOS
Have you been troubled with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Well, polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is quite a common problem with women and this syndrome causes women not to ovulate at regular intervals. And this can result in infertility. Though statistics show that about ten percent of the women population suffers from PCOS due to the current lifestyle the number has gone up to fifteen percent. A woman struggling with PCOS has cysts in her ovaries and probably do also suffer from hormonal fluctuations. And these may make it tough for a woman to conceive. So if you have PCOS and are curious about how to get pregnant, here is a bit of help.
Therefore, if you’re curious about how to get conceived first of all that you must do is make contact with a good reproductive endocrinologist. You may also go to your regular gynecologist if you would like. Your doctor will conduct a few tests to determine whether you are currently ovulating or not. The tests will also indicate how frequently you ovulate and whether the ovulation follows a specific pattern or not. These tests are really vital because the results will uncover if you have enough of the hormones that are required to get pregnant and to take care of the pregnancy.
Once you discuss with your reproductive endocrinologist about how to get conceived, likely he may ask you to take some fertility pills in low amount. These drugs are important because they cause ovulation. This has been seen that women who are suffering from PCOS do not ovulate as routinely as they should. Actually some women who have PCOS do not ovulate at all. So low-dose fertility drugs like Femara and Clomid will help your body to start ovulating. However never take these pills without the recommendation of your physician. You can take these pills with any other remedy. However, let your physician know if you’re on any prior medication.
The following thing in the “how to have a baby” to do list is discover the most beneficial time for having intercourse. You should time it in such a way so that your most fertile days are fully used. When you are on Clomid or Femara, you will begin to ovulate, so speak to your physician to receive an idea about your most fertile period. In fact in certain cases the reproductive endocrinologist may recommend intrauterine methods. In case the doctor does suggest this to you, it is rather important that you comply with the coaching to the tee.
Having said that if Femara or Clomid do not work for you, you can attempt injectable hormones. These do the job similarly to the fertility drugs and will help you in ovulating. There is a belief that injectable hormones lead to birth of twins or triplets. Therefore it is advisable to consult your doctor about this. In-vitro fertilization is also a choice available to you. Injectable hormones could be given to assist the eggs mature. Once the eggs mature, the doctor can take it out it and hook up it to your partner’s sperm. Once, the embryo is organized successfully the physician will implant it in your uterus. Thus, if you have PCOS and are questioning how to get conceived you could go along with the above instructions.
For those who trying to get pregnant. You could read pregnancy miracle by lisa olson to reverse infertility and get pregnant almost at any age.