Get People To Take Some Notice About Battery Care And Maintenance

Never over discharge a battery

Full discharges put a lot of strain on the battery, and it’s much better practice to do shallow discharges to no lower than 20 percent. Deep discharging will harm the battery and cause all of the forklift’s electrical components to run excessively hot. Significant lift truck damage can result, including complete motor failure, burned armatures and brushes, and burned or stuck contacts, which can quickly render the truck unsafe and unusable.

Deep discharging can easily increase the recharge time outside your charger’s range to recover, causing the battery to be only partially charged for the next day.

Most automatic chargers must sense a minimum battery voltage to activate and turn on. If the battery is below the threshold voltage, you will not be able to recharge the battery and may require a service call to manually start the charger.

If you don’t have a working discharge indicator, we recommend installing at least a simple “passive” discharge indicator. They are available for about $75.

keeping a Li-ion battery fully charged is not good for it either. This isn’t because Li-ion batteries can get “overcharged” (something that people used to worry about in The Olden Days of portable computers), but a Li-ion battery that doesn’t get used will suffer from capacity loss, meaning that it won’t be able to hold as much charge and power your gadgets for as long.

Even using a battery at room temperature for a year can bring its capacity down by as much as 20 percent, and the interior of most computers is a mite cozier than than that.

Running the battery out very quickly by drawing a lot of power at once is another way to cause it a lot of strain.


* New batteries require water approx. every 10 charges for the first few years. Reconditioned batteries may require water every 5 charges.

* On both new and reconditioned batteries, we recommend you check 2 or 3 pilot cells every 5 charges to see that the water level is just above the red perforated plastic Element Protector after charge (color varies depending on brand).

* If low, add only enough water to cover the Element Protector by approx. ¼”. The additional space is necessary for expansion while gassing at the end of charge.

1. Ensure the battery top is clean, dry and free of dirt and grime. A dirty battery can discharge across the grime on top of the battery casing.

2. Inspect the terminals, screws, clamps and cables for breakage, damage or loose connections.v
These should be clean, tight and free of corrosion.

3. Apply a thin coating of high temperature grease to posts and cable connections for added protection.

4. Inspect the battery case for obvious signs of physical damage or warpage. This usually indicates the Iphone 3G Power Battery has overheated or has been overcharged.

5. Check electrolyte levels to ensure that fluid levels are over the top of battery plates. If necessary top up using distilled or demineralised water. Never top up fluid levels with acid.
6. Test the battery using either a hydrometer, voltmeter, or battery analyser and charge if necessary.

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