Small Businesses Taking Back America
Lately I have really been pondering on America and Americans. This information is all completely from my heart, nothing political, or religious. I am just an average mother of 4 that stays at home with my kids and makes money by means of my small business.
Really what bothers me is Americans really believe they have stability if they work for a corporation. I do believe that belief comes from society, government, and corporations. They have scared Americans into believing we need them and we have to have them.
This is my opinion I know that we have a lot of talented Americans with some great ideas for small businesses. But the fear of failure and wanting that false corporate stability has paralyzed many from pursuing these ideas or dreams. If Americans would just wake up and realize we can make it without them I believe America would not be in such dire straits when it comes to the economy. We all know that shrinking the government would help too.
Here is my proposal if you have an idea do not just brush it aside or let your fear overcome you. Investigate your idea and make a business plan. Talk to your friends and other small business owners about how to make it a reality. Most people will have you believe that it cost too much to start a business but that is not true. From my experience the most expensive part of my business is advertising but once again if small businesses would scratch each others back, you could do some joint advertising to cut costs. For instance if a small business owner wants on my site I do not charge them. There are so many ways of joining together and making it happen.
Look I do not have all the answers but if Americans would stick together we can make it. Stop letting the government and corporations dictate your future. America’s future is in Americans hands do not be fooled to believe other wise. Stop letting divisions divide us up, that is what the government and corporations feed on. Take back America and start businesses that will help America grow the right way.
I know this is crazy but if you have an idea and you need help with starting up a business I would love to help. I do not have a lot of money but I have the drive and dedication to help find the answers for you to succeed. Actually I am challenging anybody that has business knowledge to extend their hand and help other Americans to start their own business.
If anybody needs help send me an email at
Americans lets take back America and make it our own again. God Bless!
By: Jennifer Haskett of