Oil and natural gas valve market bullish – china limbs guard – medical cushion

1, the global valve market
   The global valve market more competitive, many world-renowned manufacturer of valves closed in North America, Europe and Japan, the factory moved to China, India, South Korea and Central Europe, in order to reduce manufacturing costs of the valve and increase sales. With China's development and use of oil and natural gas, increasing the degree of China's valve market, substantial growth, which makes most of the valve manufacturers set up factories in China even more value. Thus, there has been foreign enterprises in China factory valve craze, some enterprises have even built several factories in China, to shorten the transport distance and delivery time.
    In 2004, the United States Association of release valve valve market in the United States share of 3.18 billion U.S. dollars; the other data, according to China General Machinery Association, China's valve market broke the 200 billion yuan by 2010, China's domestic demand will reach 34.5 billion Valves yuan. The global market sales of various types of valves 400 billion U.S. dollars. China Statistical valve manufacturers have more than 2,000, together with other developed and developing countries, more than 1,400 valve manufacturers, 80% share of the global market share; the other valves combined company more than 10 share of the global 20 % of the market share.
    Many different types of valves, uses very wide range of oil and gas industry has been the biggest buyers valve market. Figure 1 shows a valve in various fields of use. From Figure 2, we can see, oil (including oil refining), the largest amount of natural gas, accounting for 37.4% of the total amount; energy consumption valve was 21.3%; the third is the chemical industry, 11.5%; Then the water and wastewater treatment areas, 11.4%. Valve market is subject to oil and gas industry.
    2, valve key market development
    1. Oil and gas industry in North America and some developed countries, there are many proposed, the expansion of oil projects, In addition, because there is a growing emphasis on environmental protection, countries have established environmental regulations, so many years ago must be re-established refinery modifications, thus Over the next few years, the investment of funds from oil exploration and refining would also maintain the growth momentum. China's oil and natural gas long-distance pipeline construction, as well as the future of Russia's long-distance pipeline construction will directly promote the growth of the oil industry valve market.
    According to oil and gas development and delivery of long-term development of valve market is forecast to oil and gas development and delivery of the valve demand will rise from 2002 to 82 billion dollars in 2005 to 140 billion U.S. dollars.
    2. Energy Industry
    For a long time, the energy industry demand for valves have maintained a solid and stable growth rates. The construction of thermal power stations around the world and the nuclear power stations generating a total 2679030MW, the United States generating capacity of 743391MW, rest of the world the new power plant project generating capacity of 780000MW, the next few years will increase by 40%. Europe, South America, Asia, especially China's energy market will become a new growth point of the valve market. From 2002 to 2005, energy markets, the demand for valve products rose to 5.2 billion U.S. dollars from 6.9 billion U.S. dollars, the annual average increase of 9.3%, as shown in Figure 3.
   3. Chemical Industry
   The chemical industry with more than 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars of output value ranked the first in the industry, but also the greatest needs of the valve markets. Need to design more sophisticated chemical industry, processing of high quality, rare materials, industrial valves. In recent years, chemicals have become fierce market competition, and many chemical manufacturers were forced to cut costs, however, between 2003 and 2004, the chemical industry's output value and profits doubled, to usher in the valve demand for the product for 30 years a new peak, as shown in Figure 4, after 2005, the chemical industry to the demand for valve products grow at an annual growth rate of 5% growth.

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