Injectable Dermal Fillers – How safe are Injectable Dermal Fillers?

Injectable dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular treatment for wrinkles and deep facial lines. The treatment has become a socially acceptable treatment. However, concerns are still being raised as to its safety. Just how safe are injectable dermal fillers?

Safety versus Benefits of Injectable Dermal Fillers

Injectable Dermal Fillers are giving the popular Botox treatments a run their money in terms of popularity. Safely administered treatments will reveal a younger you by injecting filler with Hyaluronic acid (HA) based into the skin. This results in the smoothing of the deep lines and wrinkles in the skin. In addition, the natural collagen structures that lie within the skin are protected from early deterioration and are stimulated to produce extra collagen naturally.

The natural HA concentration in a baby’s skin is about 3%. However, by the age of 45 this percentage drops to about 0.007. Injectable dermal fillers cannot stop this effect of aging. They can however, help decelerate the effects of aging by boosting the levels of HA in the skin.

Like with many other cosmetic treatments, injectable dermal fillers also have risks. Adverse reactions have been noted in the administration of the treatments. In considering the adverse effects, it is importent to consider the two types of fillers available: permanent fillers and non-permanent fillers (biodegradable fillers).

Permanent injectable dermal fillers contain either Polyalkylamide or Polyacrylamide. These fillers have received wide media coverage for their adverse effects. Both permanent and non-permanent fillers are based on HA and collagen. These natural substances are easily broken down by the body’s natural processes. However, the synthetic substances in the permanent fillers are not broken down in the body and remain permanently. The permanent fillers remain intact even as the skin continues to age and sag resulting in an unnatural distorted face.

At MD Laser, only non-permanent injectable dermal fillers are administered. The fillers administered contain a HA base(like Restylane/Juvederm/Perlane) as well as Radiesse (contains hydroxylapatite) Radiesse can last for 12 to 18 months and Restylane can last for six months to a year. Robert F. Gray,
MD, FACS, and his associates strive to keep at the forefront of cosmetic innovation. Other ingredients will therefore be used in the fillers to ensure that patients receive the best and safest treatments. Any adverse effects are only temporary as the fillers are eventually reabsorbed by the body.

Dr. Gray and his staff at MD Laser Spa have treated thousands of patients with Dermal Fillers as well as Botox/Dysport. Dr. Gray is a dual board certified surgeon with 19 years of experience

Regulation in the US and the UK

Due to the rigorous testing and long period of time involved in the approval of cosmetic products in the USA, only six fillers are FDA approved for use as injectable dermal fillers within the country as opposed to the hundreds of fillers available in the UK. MD Laser Spa only uses fillers approved by the FDA.

There is no equivalent for the FDA in the UK. Restrictions regarding cosmetic products are therefore lax. The only way to regulate fillers would be by classifying them as drugs so that the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) would be able to regulate them. However, the current situation enables anyone to administer any filler to unsuspecting patients in the UK.

Patient’s Responsibility

Patients are advised to remain extra vigilant when deciding on the best place to have injectable dermal fillers. MD Laser Spa practitioners are registered doctors and the clinic registered under the Healthcare commission.

Over 1.5 million injectable dermal filler treatments have been administered globally. Only a handful of patients have exhibited adverse effects. Adverse effects are mostly dependent on the health of the individual.

There are minor side effects of injectable dermal fillers that are temporary. These include redness, soreness, itchiness and swelling. Other immediate reactions that may occur including edema, erythema and ecchymosis can be treated using antihistamines and ice. However, medical attention may be required for sub-acute reactions such as bluish discolorations, necrosis and infections.

Ensure that the doctor you choose is qualified and experienced in the administration of injectable dermal fillers. Give at least two or three weeks between your appointment and any social engagements just in case of an adverse reaction.

Have confidence that Dr. Gray and his highly trained staff will custom design a treatment that is safe and effective for you to help you look your Best.

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Visit MD Laser Spa for more Injectable Dermal Fillers info, and also a long list of other cosmetic surgery and non-surgical med spa services.

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