For the Love of God, Your Underwear

Stop leaving your underwear on the floor. I got that out of the way. I want to know why in the world men can lift, carry, and pull heavy objects but certain objects are just too much of a task for them.

I want to go into what my man leaves around the house. When he disrobes the clothes stay wherever that may be. I promise you if he were to strip down outside the clothes would stay outside.

I have tried so many different ways to get him to stop the insanity and I might have figured it out. Here are a few things you ladies can try.

1. Sit him down and say “honey would you please put your clothes in a dirty clothes hamper, basket, really anywhere dirty laundry goes.” But normally that approach never works. Later on when you finally blow your top they say they didn’t hear you.

2. Next approach is hint around about the clothes. This never works, because they can ignore anything.

3. Another way is when you are going through your “ladies days”, go nuts on him. Which this method is not very controlled and it is kind of spur of the moment. This way will never work because he will just think to himself she has PMS. The upside to this is you will feel better after blowing off some steam.

4. The final approach that actually worked pretty well for me. I left him, I am just kidding. Actually just not washing the clothes he lays around the house. What happens is when he finally runs out of socks, a light bulb clicks on. They can run out of underwear that does not phase them, it is always the socks.

Well from time to time he leaves clothes lying around the house. The only that keeps him in line is the fact that he remembers the “Great Stinky Feet of 2009”.

To sum it up some men will never stop this behavior. Ladies keep your chin up and realize you are not alone.

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By: Jennifer Haskett

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