Shyness is Made-up Myth?
There is something that is supposedly affect a huge amount of people that is called “shyness”.
In my opinion, shyness is only as real as your self-beliefs allow it to be. Shyness is just a limiting self-belief that was made up to justify your lack of social success, because you were not socially skilled, and thus you told yourself you were shy.
For folks who are shy, I believe that as when they were like most little kids, they were generally lighthearted, playful, opened about the world, unbridled (excluding the parents), and “shyness” just wasn’t in their dictionary.
But some how down the road, something occurred that caused them to become more reserved, either because of family, other kids messing with them, or other reason it was that started it. That lowered their desire to be social, and consequently they never learned proper social skills when growing up.
Every time they allowed themselves in social gathering, they weren’t having a good time compared other people because they were not as skilled socially, and eventually develop social anxiety and so avoided interacting with people as much as possible but told themselves they were only shy to justify it.
Look not all of us had social upbringing in a positive supportive atmosphere where it was common to be social, either it could have been our relation from our friends, immediate surrounding, parents controlling us or over-sheltering us, etc.
But that is all in the past for when you possess the right skill sets and your social toolbox stocked with social mojo such as your stories and your witty one-liner repertoires (can be refer to as your sociability), you will instinctively be oblivious to any social anxiety in your social gathering.
The reason why you feel social anxiety is because you haven’t socialized enough before and not exposed to it, it is unfamiliar; therefore, don’t have the right skill sets built up from experience to maneuver it.
Once your brain is given the tools and you’re endowed with plenty of social arsenals under your belt, that social anxiety will cease to exist because you know how to interact socially.
Gabriel Angelo runs, with the unique approach to dating and meeting women, by focusing on developing your “social skills” to be the most socially savvy person you can be, not just with women…but everybody. Although the arts are primarily related to dating and attracting women, they can be applied to other aspects of your life from social, dating, personal, and even professional.
For more information, please visit