The past and trend of the dr dre headphones market
It may have slipped your attention but we’ve been running a bit of a series of articles on your ears and how important they are to you. We’ve suggested how you could cut down on noise, how ear damage can happen, what audio apps you might be into and even how to clean your ear canals properly as well. So now that you know how to take good care of your hearing, the final thing we want to do is,most important of all, tell you how to give it the treat it deserves.Here below you’ll find the very finest headphones we’ve ever had the pleasure to test out here at Pocket-lint. So, from the in-ear to the on-ear, the highly affordable to the extremely expensive, these are the best headphones tested. Buy a pair and try it now.
According to the market research and company’s new study, Headphones: Ownership and Application, endorsements are extremely important to nearly 30 percent of consumers when deciding what headphones to buy.
Music artist endorsements ranked highest among consumers purchasing headphones under $20 and more than $100, and sales of headphones over $100 are growing according to the firms Retail Tracking Service.
dr dre headphones priced $100 or more went from around 3 percent of the headphone market in 2009 to 5 percent of the market in 2010. Overall stereo headphone
sales increased 17 percent in units and 30 percent in dollars in 2010.
“The headphone market has seen great unit and revenue growth as the market for portable audio continues to expand due to smartphone proliferation,” said Ross Rubin, executive director of industry analysis at The NPD Group. “Low barriers to entry are attracting many boutique brands which are quickly creating a crowded field.”
According to the report, on average, consumers said they bought a new pair of headphones every 13 months, but teenagers reported buying new ones more frequently. Forty-two percent of 13 to 17 year olds bought new headphones within the past three months. Teenagers were almost twice as likely as the average consumer to say they plan to purchase new headphones in the next year. When looking for new headphones for themselves, consumers said price, sound quality, and headphone type were the top three factors influencing their
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