Network Marketing Tips – How To Recruit More Using Your Blog!

There a lot of people out there using blogging as a way to increase exposure for their network marketing opportunity, but not utilising it in a way that gets results so I have put together this article with some network marketing tips that will help you increase the amount of people you have inquiring about your opportunity without bugging the heck out of your blog visitors.

First of, decide on what your blog is going to be about. If you are going for the customer based side of business you want to think about what your customer NEEDS. What can you give them for free that will make them more likely to opt in to your mailing list and be ready to buy whatever you recommend. If you are going for the recruiting side of things, target people that are actively looking for ways to make money online/from home and give them tips that will help them succeed. It’s all about building up that trust before asking for the sale.

So now, you need to set up a blog. If you haven’t seen it already, I did a tutorial a while ago on how to set up a blog in ten minutes (just google “Rachael Macgregor Blog 10 Mins”) which will help you get ready for blogging in no time at all…well, 10 minutes.

Network Marketing Tip – Create a page for people to find out more about your opportunity.

On your blog you should create a page that says “Work With Me” or “Partner With Me” and have a description of why you chose the business you did and put a form on the page for them to fill out so that you can contact them with more information.

Remember who your target audience for your blog is….don’t pitch health products to someone looking for the business, and don’t get heavy on the business side if you are blogging for customers! This page should just get them CURIOUS, not give away the game. You can check mine out on my blog ( for an idea of what I mean.

So I actually set my autoresponder up so that they get a video about my business opportunity to their email the moment they send in their details. I then tell them, in the email, that I will be calling within 24 hours to talk to them about working together.

This form should not be one that tries to get as many leads as possible, in fact, I have a warning on my page that I am only looking for serious people so that I don’t waste my time calling people who have no interest in genuinely working with me. This works great because when I call people they actually try and convince ME to let them join my team.

Network Marketing Tip – Continue To Offer Value With your Emails And Introduce Your Opportunity

For the main list that you are building up (either by giving away a free gift or newsletter) you should introduce them to your business on a regular basis, while continuing to build up a relationship with them via your free content.

WorldWide Partnership is dedicated to helping network marketers succeed no matter what business they are in. We teach people how to start generating leads and growing a money-making list their first WEEK online to skyrocket their business to the $5,000+ per month level.

If you would like more free Network Marketing Tips you can get our 3 day video course that shows you how to start generating 30+ leads using your blog and some clever social media strategies – The Secrets Behind Social Media”

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