What You Really Need To Know About Traditional Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans have been in existence for some time now. Those of us in the south, tend to have one in virtually every room. And initially they were all virtually the same. Two types, the “wood” ones with the wicker inset components, and the all white ones.

Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with traditional ceiling fans. A ‘wood’ finish should match almost any room. It is really hard to find a room with no wood furniture in it anywhere. And when you really don’t have any wood like pieces of furniture in your home, there’s always ordinary white, just blends in with the white ceilings we all have.

The ceiling hugger electric fans generally sit very close to the ceiling, as implied. However on a high speed, they cannot suck in the air they need, so you’ve got this fan on high, and will not really feel as though you’re getting as much air as you would from one hanging from a rod.

That all mentioned, there are fans so completely different from traditional ceiling fans as to look almost outrageous. We now have electric fans that have large blades that look like big plant leaves, to imitate the days of servants waving large leaves to keep their masters cool. And we have always seen those spherical electric fans in a cage, those that typically sit on a floor or a table. They now have taken these types of electric fans, and mounted them (sure, more than one) to a rod from the ceiling so that while the blades turn, so do the fans. Rings a bell in my memory of a ride at the fair.

So whether or not your own preference lean to the more contemporary, or the more traditional ceiling fans, there is sure to be one on the market that matches your own needs.

To find out what else you may be missing, or don’t know about traditional ceiling fans and other related products, join us on our website, http://www.traditionalceilingfans.net/

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