Want To Make More Money? Create Highly Converting Articles
Targeted articles that convert are what you want to use, whether promoting your business or doing affiliate marketing. This is a kind of article that will get the reader to move. They’re actually often the basis for your revenue or commission when working online, so you have to take some time and think about what you are going to write. Writing these kinds of articles won’t happen overnight.
Keywords are very important in writing articles. If you want people to come and read your articles, you have to use the right keywords so they can find you. If you want your articles to be favored by the search engines and bring you traffic, place your key words in your title, use them several times in the text and it in the URL as well.
One approach is to use longtail keywords, which do not get a lot of hits when you search through an engine, but if a person is looking for exactly that phrase, they will be able to find it.
Some things that conversion articles must contain are these: they have to be about 300-500 words a page. You should also use short, easy-to-scan sentences and subheadings before each paragraph. A title of 65 characters maximum, a short description of 2-3 sentences, about six to twelve tag words that describe the topic, and a photo or illustration related to the article are all things to include. Short paragraphs are good, and definitely good and clearly written English.
What you want to do in your first paragraph is to immediately summarize the entire point of the article. Your keyword should appear at least once in the initial paragraph. The subheadings are to have the keyword as well, and some tag words are good to have in your subheading. Your final paragraph should be a good summary and conclusion of your entire work, and place a keyword there as well.
Conversion articles are meant to be informative, but also to interest and benefit the reader. For example, you want to talk about insurance plans. Some topics that would be of interest to the reader may be:
? Affordable insurance plans
? How to maximize your insurance
? Shopping for insurance plans
? Where to get the best deal for your insurance
? Research about insurance
? Various insurance plans
? How to safeguard your home with insurance
? How to get car insurance in a tough economy
? How to determine which insurance plan is the best for you
? How insurance is beneficial for you and your family
? Insurance premiums, how much is too much?
Make sure that you have a good understanding about what you want to talk about. Of course, practice will always help! Start writing, and soon you will be able to rake in revenue and more commissions from very targeted traffic.
Veronica is a freelance writer and internet business columnist. She has worked with several car insurance sites to help them reach their target audiences and convert traffic into leads.