What Is Staff Infection?
A group of bacteria which lives in the body of the human being and responsible for causing many diseases is Staphylococcus. These minute organisms cannot be seen in naked eyes. They resemble bunch of grapes or round berries when viewed under a microscope. These bacteria are gram positive with unencapsulated cocci. There are about 30 varieties of Staphylococcus but the most common disease causing bacteria is Staphylococcus Aureus. The common places of their living are nose, anus, genital region and mouth. When skin of such regions gets injured, these bacteria move towards the wound and causes infection. Staff Infection can occur in anyone and in any age group. But more commonly it occurs in certain group of people. These are newborns, people with chronic diseases like cancer, lung diseases, diabetes, women who breastfeed their young ones, those having skin injuries and those who have weak immune system.
Accurate diagnosis is possible with the help of certain signs and symptoms in Staff infection. When staff infection occurs in blood, it is known as bacteremia or sepsis. The patient’s blood pressure goes down and suffers from high fever with chills. Infection in skin results in collection of pus in a localized area known as boil, furuncle or abscess. The pretentious area becomes red, inflamed, swollen and painful.
The common diseases which are caused by Staphylococcus are impetigo, cellulitis, mastitis in breastfeeding women, bacteremia, pneumonia, endocarditis leading to heart failure, osteomyelitis, Scalded skin syndrome. It can even lead to food poisoning which causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Sometimes, toxins released by Staphylococcus may cause Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Diagnosis of Staff infection is done through symptoms and signs. Culture of blood or infected fluid samples is tested in complicated cases such as in pneumonia, lung diseases, bacteremia etc, for diagnosis. Later more tests are done to find out which antibiotics should be given.Skin infection is usually treated with antibiotic ointment. Oral antibiotics are also used at times. If abscess is formed, this requires drainage which is mostly done through incision. In more serious cases, intravenous antibiotics is given.
This infection is infectious. In case of boil or abscess, the discharge contains the staphylococcus and whosoever comes in contact with this may get infected with the bacteria. So it is important for the affected person to make use of healthy and hygiene methods. Personal towels, razors etc. should not be shared with others. It is very important to follow this in case of facial staff infection.
Staff infection can even occur in dogs. Staff infection can even crop up in dogs. Staff infection can happen in dogs also. The bacteria is present in the skin of dogs. The skin of dogs carry this bacteria. Presence of this bacteria is in the skin of the dogs. The common symptoms which are present in dogs are itching in ears, feet and abdomen leading to scratching, redness of skin and formation of crusty skin lesions. The widespread symptoms present in dogs are itching in ears, feet and abdomen leading to scratching, redness of skin and formation of crusty skin lesions. Itching in ears, feet and abdomen leading to scratching, redness of skin and formation of crusty skin lesions are the common symptoms present in dogs.Bacteria can enter the skin of dogs through, pollens, grass seeds, fertilizers and other pollens. Bacteria can penetrate into the skin of dogs through, pollens, grass seeds, fertilizers and other pollens. Through pollens, grass seeds, fertilizers and other pollens bacteria enters the skin of dogs. The infection is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics is used to treat this infection. Antibiotics is prescribed to treat the infection. But it should be first confirmed with the help of proper tests. Proper tests have to be performed to confirm the infection. Confirmation of the infection has to be done by performing appropriate tests. Sometimes culture or biopsy may be required. Culture or biopsy might be required in few cases. At times culture or biopsy may have to be done.
Find more info on staff infection and staph infection pictures.