When Will Our authority acknowledge it possesses “zero point energy”

Some websites alleges that our military industrial complex has reverse engineered, in covert military projects, extra-terrestrial power systems which could easily solve our energy “crisis.” The upshot is that the last 50+ years of oil and nuclear pollution has been unnecessary, because we’ve secretly possessed this technology since the 1950’s or so.

The Disclosure Project has 400+ witnesses willing to testify against the government in Congressional Hearings, but the political will-power does not yet exist because no one will take this topic seriously, and certainly not the US mainstream media! A 19th century physicist, Nikola Tesla, also made similar discoveries about energy — and his research is also heavily suppressed because if everyone could run their house, or car, or business from a zero point energy generator then the power companies couldn’t hook a meter up to it and charge you for the service. A 1st world standard of living could be sustainable with ZPE.

If you think about the properties of electromagnetism and electricity itself, and you study up on Tesla’s ideas, it seems as if there is a whole new area of science waiting to be seen by the mainstream. It is not complicated at all and should be looked into. Honestly, I think this is a conspiracy from the military, making you believe that there is a conspiracy regarding ZPE so as to keep you off the real conspiracy.

There is this book that contains step-by-step instructions on how to build a Tesla Generator. The guide is called: Tesla Secret. Since the publication of The Tesla Secret Handbook, thousands of people allover the world have used it to construct their own personal Tesla Generators and are now powering their homes free of charge!

Do you want to find out how you can also generate free electricity to power your house for free of charge? If yes, then you should download a copy of the Tesla Secret Handbook.

Click on this link: tesla secret, to to know more about this guide.

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