Three-Dimensional TVs-Viewing Position with Optimum Lighting.
Viewing angle is the angle at which the television screen is seen, with respect to the axis of the television screen. At oblique angles, the contrast is affected, as colors disappear gradually, thereby changing the tv brightness. As a result, pictures would seem washed out. However, plasma HDTVs offer good viewing angles, when compared with LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays), which are still in the process of improvement. The underlying reason is due to the pixel alignment in the plasma flat panel displays, compared to LCDs.
In LCDs, a directional backlight illuminates up each pixel, and the perfect intensity is provided while viewing from the zero degree direction, i.e., a perpendicular position. Moving away from the axis diminishes the backlight that reaches the eye, reducing the contrast level at sloping angles. Diffuse-scattering on the screen contributes to a less directional backlight. In Plasma flat panels, the phosphors on the screen, which are excited by Ultra Violet light, radiate colors uniformly in every direction. This guaranteesfine viewing angles. Surrounding lighting as well impacts viewing, as a dark surroundings causes the iris to open more widely to allow more light. Light from the edges will cause scattering, causing less image accuracy on the retina, however a bright screen provides excellent contrast. A regular lighting need to be such that the eye is able to adjust easily when looking away from the television in the direction of some other object. Therefore, illumination contrasts should not be large, in order to eliminate stress on the eye.
Before the appearance of flat panel TVs, a good suggestion was to put a lamp behind the Television set. At the present, glowing bulbs and LEDs are used around the image’s edge to throw a soft light in the wall behind the set, in that way reducing the brightness difference between the surroundings and the picture. A lamp on the viewer’s side would mirrorin the screen, causing harm. Therefore, light must not fall on the viewers or on the tv. A little light can be used to illuminate either the floor or the ceiling, such that nothing is reflected back to the viewer.
Viewing distances and screen dimensions are not dealt with rightly in many living rooms. The tv size determines the amount of work for the eye, and though the eye can control its focus on the television, it can’t control the brightness adjustment. Considering the field of vision, while the image occupies the central field, the eye is not distracted by surrounding objects, and effortlessly adjusts to the picture’s brightness.
An ideal watching distance would be twice the image width, as it would guarantee that the image occupies the central field of the eye’s vision, enabling better concentration. Therefore, if the screen is sufficiently large, it is recommended to watch TV in the dark, but for smaller screens, surrounding lighting is necessary. Optimum light, coupled with a good watching angle, would absolutely render a positive viewing experience.
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