Google AdWords – How You Can Compose Successful Ad Copy
It’s not as easy to write high converting AdWords ad copy as it may look to the beginner. You don’t get a lot of room to work with in any PPC ad format as the ad lengths are pretty standard. This means that you have to deliver your sales message in a short ad, which can get difficult if you aren’t following the rules. Please continue reading if you would like to learn some proven methods for higher response AdWords ads.
Testing PPC ad copy is an absolute must if you want to succeed, and if you’re not familiar with it then just take it easy at first. Running split tests on any PPC ad calls for testing only one part at a time. You’re doing A/B split testing, and when you do that you only change one thing for each test. It’s really simple, you need to be able to pinpoint what particular change in the ad caused improvement, or not. Then the next part is to just see which ad performed the best, and then you move on to test something else. Each word has a purpose in your ad, and those words that do not have to get edited out. Cut out all those words that can be left out without damaging the ad in meaning or appearance. Your ad needs to be crystal clear and written in language anyone can undertand, above the 6th or 8th grade. So remember that you don’t have much space to play around with words here, so only include those that really matter.
So what to test first? Easy, always begin by testind different headlines. But put some thought into your headline testing, and you can even test a headline with or without one single word – but make it an intelligent choice. You want the highest conversion rate possible, and you’ll use your click through rate, CTR, to figure out the first one. Of course you’re looking for the largest conversion rate possible.
So make sure you have at least 2 ads set up in each of your ad groups. Let these ads run for some time before you decide on anything.
Google AdWords is not for people who are too lazy to read and learn because that is how you can succeed with it. Be sure to find reputable and reliable information from which to learn Google AdWords, and then study it and take action.
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