Setting Account Expiration Date
Set the account expiration date to control when a user account expires. The account expires at the end of the day on the date you select. Setting an account expiration date ensures that users can log on only when they are supposed to and reduces the amount of time that the account is open to unauthorized access.
To set account expiration date, complete the following steps:
1. In the Account tab of the Properties dialog box for the user account, shown in Figure 7-8, select either of the following options:
Q Never, if you do not want the user account to expire
Q Fnd Of (and then enter a date in the adjoining text box), if you want Windows Server 2003 to disable the user account automatically at the end of the day on the elate you specify
A roaming user profile is based at the server and is downloaded to the local computer every time a user logs on and is available at any workstation or server computer on the network. Be able to create mcse 2003 certification cost a roaming user profile.
A mandatory user profile is a read-only roaming profile, based at the server and downloaded to the local computer every time a user logs on and is available at any workstation or server computer on the network. Be able to create a manda-tory user profile. A temporary user profile is issued anytime an error condition prevents a user’s profile from being loaded. Temporary profiles are deleted at the end of each session.
A home folder is a folder that you can provide for users to store personal docu?ments, and for older applications, it is sometimes the default folder for saving documents. You can store a home folder on a client computer or in a shared folder on a file server. Be able to create a home folder.
You can use the Free A+ exam questions environment variable in a template user account. A template user account is a user account that you create in order to create other similar user accounts. Typically, you’d create a user account named template (or something similar) for such a purpose. You can copy the template account each time you need to create a user with similar properties. One of those settings could be the home folder. For example, if you wanted to store all user home directories on Serverl in the Home share, you could set the home folder to \\Serverl\Home\%L/semame%. Each new user you create by copying the template will automatically have his or her home folder created after the user name you enter.