Corporate World Comprises Services – Company, Business, Copyright Registration and Incorporation

Before carrying business activities in India and all over the world, it is very important to define the structure of a business and follow all the rules and regulation regarding company laws in order to enjoy all legal acceptability. It is very necessary for new company to get its registration for their smooth business activities. For new company registration it is very important to decide about business structure and company’s nature. Under business structure one has to define private or public or llp or partnership or any other form of company as well as also decide the name of the company at the same time after that one has to need to submit Articles and Memorandum of Association and other necessary documents to office of registration in order to get new company registration. Similarly for company incorporation it is very important for company to get its name approved by registrar of companies. Approval of company’s name is the first requirement for company incorporation or we can say while formation of a company.

Like in case of company, for business also it is always recommended to all business houses to register their business as per the rules and procedure of companies act. Every country has its own procedures and rules for business registration like in India getting business registration is very for smooth functioning and survival of the business and its procedures are quite different from what other follows in their countries. In India Companies Act, 1956 sets down the establishment rules and procedures for the registration of the company and company and business registration are almost same. There are some points that make business registration different from company registration.

Besides business and company registration there is another registration with the name copyright registration is a powerful tool that protects one’s work from being copied, infringement or in case of plagiarism. The process of copyright registration involves the making of a verifiable account of the date and content of the work in question that plays an important role in case of legal claim, in case of plagiarism or in case of infringement from where owner can produce a copy of the original work from an official government source. Therefore, in India you will find number of reputed and well known companies that offers wide variety of company law services at affordable rates, where you not only get true value of your money but also complete assistance and guidance in respect of corporate law services.

365companies a global company registration portal offers company registration services, new company registration, patent registration, formation, company incorporation, business registration, copyright registration, pct filing. logo brand registration and more.

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