You Were Born Rich
Being rich means having one of the important sources of life’s wealth in abundance. It’s a stress free live where you don’t have to worry where your next meal is going to come from. You have what it takes. You Were Born Rich and you are leading a luxurious life filled with more than what you need. However, people need to realize that a wealthy state of mind is the first wealth a person can own. No matter how wealthy you are and have all the freedom to enjoy it by buying or traveling or eating if you don’t possess the health you need to enjoy the wealth even if you were born rich it doesn’t seem to help you.
Bob Proctor is a well known writer who has written about the law of attraction and forces that guide a person to gather wealth. He was not a rich kid and he was also a school dropout. He works for Earl Nightingale, and travels the world preaching about the secret of laws of attraction. He has stated that the money which you earn is from the service you have given, the effort which you have put pays you. However, the way in which the effort has been put is what pays the money. If you were born rich you will grow more intellectually and spiritually as you earn more.
Bob Proctor has been in the profession for forty years thriving and living successful life. Sharing the methods of what he has learnt has tent to make him understand it better by accelerating personal growth and learning the laws of abundance and prosperity. He wants to tell the method to everyone with his talent of teaching the secrets which has turned his life around.
One of the success secret which Bob Proctor has written is ‘6 minutes secret to successes’. This is a success method which would help you to come up in life by knowing what you want you want clearly. You need to write down every day what are your goals. Since you keep writing it every day it becomes very motivating to achieve it. You were born rich helps you to achieve what you want by influencing your subconscious mind with the help of your conscious mind as you have greater control on yourself than what people perceive about you. If a particular thesis didn’t work then find out why it didn’t work rather than just dismissing the principles?
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