Online CPR Certification – It’s A Case Of Life and Death!
Online CPR certification could mean the difference between life and death. Did you know that recent statistics show that more people die every three days from cardiac arrest than the total that died in the tragedy that was 9-11. If you passed your CPR test you could save a life!
Why not at least check out the CPR classes on offer and see what little commitment you would have to make in order to gain this life saving skill. If you are not already certified what are you waiting for? With the statistics showing that between 100,000 and 200,000 lives could be saved every year if only more members of the general public were willing to help, we should all be ashamed!
Do you give money to charity?
Ask yourself why you do this? Is it because you want to help people? Most people who donate to charity do so because they want to make a difference. Yet you could make the biggest difference of all if you saved another persons life. Imagine the guy next to you in work had a cardiac arrest tomorrow. What would you do? What could you do?
Do you think you do not have sufficient knowledge?
You don’t need any prior medical knowledge to pass your CPR test. You simply have to cover the course materials and learn some basic first aid and then you should pass with flying colors. If 9 year old school boys and girls can attain these skills why can’t you?
Are you worried about the cost?
Don’t be! Many employers offer either Red Cross or American Heart Association training to their employees either free or at a very low cost. Think about it. It is in your employers interests to have employees who know how to save lives not least because stressed out senior executives are often the victims of cardiac arrest. So why not speak to personnel now and find out when the next course is available or ask them to arrange for one to be held.
Change your life today
You have the power within you to save someone’s life. Why not take the decision now to change your life for the better? Forget about worrying over how you would give a stranger the kiss of life. You need to stand up and be counted. If you are a witness to an emergency you do not just want to watch while someone loses their battle for life, do you?
Find out more free information
Get the skills YOU need and pass your
CPR recertification today. Don’t delay as your lack of action could mean that someone you know dies! Go now to Red Cross CPR Certification.