New Cars!

My dad worked as a sales representative and got a new company car every three years. The first new car I remember, was a Ford Ford Sussex Cortina in Navy Blue.

He got the car keys after work on a Monday evening. He phoned my mum to tell her. My sister and I were allowed to stay up late so we could see it. I loved Cortina cars. My Grandad had one in chocolate brown and I thought it was fantastic.

He eventually pulled up on the driveway and my sister and I ran out to see it. It was dark and a bit hard to see. My mum agreed that we could go for a ride, even though we were in our pyjamas and slippers. I remember thinking how big it was and that my dad must be somebody very important to own such a great car.

His next car was even more exciting ( when I was 8). A Nissan Bluebird in white. This car had electric windows and even a sun roof. This was something special. We had never had a car with electric windows before. This car was faithful to my dad for quite some time. More than the normal three years anyway. It drove us many miles. Through France, down to Switzerland, Italy and home again. We have a lot of pictures of that car and it always makes me think of fun family times together.

Currently my father has upgraded to a sleek black Porshe. It suits him down to the ground. Secretly he has always been a little bit flash and prone to posing. However he worked really hard to be successful and I hope he enjoys every bit of his boy toy.

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