Which nation makes the best cars?

I am British and my husband is German. We live in the North West of England in a small village called Whalley. Our conversations often involve discussions about which country offers the best cuisine or which country has the best fashion industry. We both agree that Italy has the best food and possibly that Spain has the best weather. We have these discussions very regularly and often refer to the following saying.

Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs Italian, the mechanics German, the lovers French and its all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the police are German, the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss and it is all organised by the Italians.

We both find it to be a witty verse, although I do fiercely defend the British Cuisine. One evening last week our discussion turned to cars. Which country makes the best luxury cars? Of course, I stated that everybody knew that Britain made the best luxury cars and of course my husband stated that everybody knew that Germany made the best luxury cars. Deadlock.

We carried on the conversation and I cited that whilst Porsche and Mercedes were very nice cars they did not have the class and heritage of Jaguar, Bentley and Aston Martin. I was very surprised that my husband started nodding and saying that he could understand my point of view. I mentioned that the leather used for Aston Martin was called Connolly Leather which was supplied to the Royal Family. My husband was very impressed with my knowledge.

We then discussed mainstream cars. My husband said that Volkswagen and Audi were way ahead of any similar British brands. I disagreed and said that Ford Used Ford Sussex made excellent cars! I had lost all credibility. I argued that indeed Ford was a British make but had to admit defeat after I “googled” it and it turned out to be American.

My husband was enjoying being right so I turned the conversation to the German sense of humour. He didn’t find it funny!

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