Tips for Turning Sherman Oaks Homes Into Rental Properties

San Fernando real estate market has had its share of downfall of prices and foreclosures.  There are many homes on the market today with over 30% of them are distressed properties.   This San Fernando Valley real estate market has also affected the more desirable neighborhoods such as Sherman Oaks homes that are on the market today.  This has caused those that are trying to sell their homes to consider other options since these sellers realize that they will not sell their homes at the price that they want, and yet they have expenses of those homes.  Therefore, some homeowners are becoming landlords, whether that was their original intention or not.

While some sellers may realize that becoming a landlord is a viable option, it may be a good investment opportunity for those Sherman Oaks home buyers that have some money aside and not getting any return in their bank accounts.  By buying a home at right price, you can earn a good return by renting out these Sherman Oaks homes, whether it’s to family renting it as long-term tenants or new married couples that are saving money to purchase a home.  The great thing about Sherman Oaks is the close proximity to both West side and Valley which attracts a lot of residence to this area.

If you are worried that you can’t manage becoming a landlord, consider that some Sherman Oaks home renters are using management companies to assist them throughout this process.  The management company will take care of the repairs; find tenants, collecting rent, and so on for percentage of an annual gross rent.  This is a viable option for some Sherman Oaks home owners that are too busy to be full-time landlords or don’t want to deal with day to day responsibilities.

How do you find a management company for those Sherman Oaks homes?  One way to consider and evaluate a property manager is that you want to choose one that specializes in residential homes.  Residential homes are different than retail or office space, and of course the selections of tenants in the Sherman Oaks homes will be different than those for retail or office space.

Management companies that specialize in residential Sherman Oaks homes should know how to get short-term tenants or long term tenants depending on your needs.  They would go after that specific rental prospects and pro-actively market to those renters of Sherman Oaks homes rather than to simply wait for any renter to call them.

And for those sellers of Sherman Oaks homes considering renting while waiting for the market to turn around, ask an expert for lease terms and rent control laws to know the rules and regulation of vacating the house when you are selling your home.  Most home buyers require the sellers to deliver the home vacant and at good condition.  So having a tenant during escrow could cause un-foreseeable issues.

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