Police sirens – familiar and sometimes too noisy but very necessary

We hear police sirens daily and in fact probably hourly in cities. We all too often complain about the sound but it is necessary and the siren helps keep officers and us safe.

The wail of police sirens is something we would welcome if we were in trouble and waiting for help. We are however very quick to criticize the police for the use of their sirens and see them more as a nuisance than anything else. Sadly, if you hear a police siren it means someone is in trouble and in need of assistance. If you put that slant on your thinking the sound of police sirens could be more of a comforting sound than an irritation. The siren is vital in getting traffic to move and let police vehicles pass on busy roads.

Without the siren, police vehicles would be stuck in the traffic the same as you or I and when they need to get to somewhere quickly that is no good. The sound of police sirens warns us of the vehicles approach and gives us time to move to an adjacent lane to let them pass quickly and safely. You will recognize different siren sounds as most emergency vehicles have a different tone and sound pattern. If you hear any siren when you are on the road it is likely to be from some kind of first response or emergency vehicle.

police sirens are not just to warn road users of their presence but pedestrians as well. If you are walking down a street you need to be aware of an approaching police vehicle, especially if it is at some speed. If you hear a siren of any kind when you are walking you need to take extra care and attention especially if you need to cross a street. Police and other vehicles only use their sirens when responding to a priority one call, and the use of the siren is to warn and inform others. police sirens used to be, well, bells to put it succinctly, which did its job but not quite as successfully as today’s sirens.

police sirens can be very loud and produce not just the typical wail we hear daily. Most sirens will produce a range of different sounds from a long continuous noise to the sharp yelp or bark you sometimes here on police vehicles. Some siren systems can be fitted to work with a PA system and to work in conjunction with a CB radio. Sirens are more and more versatile and although mainly still used in emergencies only they are being deployed in other ways. You may get the sound of the yelp or bark of a siren if an officer needs you to pull over.

police sirens are vital pieces of kit that can help save lives of officers and the public. When police sirens are used properly in conjunction with the LED lights on vehicles they are very effective as warning systems. The approach of a police vehicle with its siren blaring and all lights flashing is something that is difficult to ignore and that is why they are both deployed when the officers are responding to a priority one call. The use of sirens can often be criticized as its seen or rather heard as noise pollution and that is one thing many people can’t put up with. police sirens are however vital in the role of information and protection.

Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
Police sirens and many other items like Flashlights, Dash Lights, Deck Lights, Emergency lighting, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/

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