Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth to create the world's rare earth base featuring industry consolidation – rare earth base, Baotou Steel Rare Earth Group – the chemical industry

Deputy Zhao Shuanglian Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, held at the State Information Office press conference yesterday revealed, Inner Mongolia, and the national authorities in consultation referrals are rare earth reserve system established so that RE prices will be more stable. He also said to Baotou Steel Rare Earth Group is a leading western China basically completed the integration of rare earth industry.

Industry merger integration initial results Reported that through the integration of Rare-Earth has established a run through a complete industry chain and downstream. Bohai Securities researcher Jin Haiming told reporters in Rare-Earth as the center of the northern group of large rare earth industry has begun to take shape. Currently, Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare Earth on the strong control of rare earth resources, has been dominant. "RE resources in northern China more than 90% are from Baotou in the Bayan Obo ore. The Group has acquired 95% of the mineral resources of Baotou. In addition, purchase of Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Group selected by agreement of the magnetic iron in the mine after and tailings, so the cost is very low. " According to Jin Haiming

introduced to the mining industry before the Baotou Rare Earth-based, mineral processing, and heavy rare earth mine will directly sell to the downstream processing factories. To improve the industry chain, the company has been acquired in recent years, the downstream processing enterprises. "Today, 80% of the local processing enterprises have been incorporated into the company's. The remaining 20% of the processing enterprises entrusted processing mode only, finished reverted to the company."

In addition to strong merger and downstream processing enterprises, the Baotou Rare Earth has changed Sell Mode, further improving the industrial chain. Company holding 67% registered capital of 700 million yuan a subsidiary of Baotou Rare Earth International Trading Company has started operations. In addition, the company is building the 300,000 tons of rare earth concentrates repository project will be completed in 5. This will greatly enhance the value of company resources and can effectively control the rare earth market launch. The company also plans to purchase and other means to achieve future NdFeB production reached 3,4 million tons / year, accounting for about 50% of national output.

Jin Haiming said, and constantly improve the industry chain will further extend the company's resources to control the rare earth industry, which the company and the entire north of rare earth industry development will have a major impact.

Establish reserve system to stabilize prices Deputy Zhao Shuanglian
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, said yesterday looking forward to the establishment of rare earth reserve system, revealing the rare earth industry, the demands of life and death?? To stabilize prices. Baotou Steel Rare Earth While

control a large number of rare earth resources, but have not fared well. Mid-2009, operating revenue fell 30.01 percent, attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit fell 127.19%, loss of 067 million yuan for the first time since 2006 mid-year report losses. Jin Haiming analysis indicated that the first half of rare earth oxide prices low by historical standards, resulting in the company of rare earth oxide product sales gross margin decline. With some saying the industry is the "gold selling price of potatoes."

To price stability, the establishment of mechanisms of rare earth reserves become a top priority. Jin Haiming told reporters, in fact, before the regional government has set aside funds for rare earth reserves, but the helpless body single Li Bo, price regulation is not obvious. The regional government proposed to establish at the national level, rare earth reserve system, can be said is the right time.

Reported that along with rare-earth industry, the constant development in recent years, China has become the world's largest country of rare earth, rare earth output accounted for 80% of the world. However, because regulation failed to keep up, resulting in productivity dispersion, consumption seriously. Jin Haiming said: "In fact, prices of China's rare earth products has considerable room for growth. If we again double the price of rare earth products, foreign only the value of rare earth mining."

Addition, the state is stepping up development of relevant industrial policies. It is reported that, "Rare Earth Industry Development Plan (2009-2015)" and "Rare Earth Industry Industry Development Policy," forthcoming. Guoxin Securities researcher Peng Bo that the strict supervision of the industry from the national level, the orderly and healthy development, which will change the current phenomenon of wasteful mining industry, the Chinese really have the international pricing of rare earth industry. By then, the industry leader Rare-Earth will also benefit.

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