Urgent law to promote brain death organ transplantation will be growth promoting new models – brain death, organ transplants – the pharmaceutical industry

Recently held in Guilin, Guangxi, "organ donation and transplantation in China cooperation project," Sixth Conference on Neurology, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Professor Shun-Wei Li, including the field of brain death in China over the authority of experts called for an early start and build our country brain death criterion. In this way, one can make reasonable use of limited medical resources, on the other hand can open up our new model of organ donation.

Urgent law to promote Shun-Wei Li said the brain death standard for organ transplants, is that if there is brain death determination, but also the dead body before (or so after the family's) organ donation wishes, and the organ donation system, there are possible for an organ transplant brain death organ donors. The world's most comprehensive organ donation environment in countries such as Austria, Spain, organ donations per million population per year a total of 34 to 36 people (34 ~ 36/pmp). In China, in 2006 only 0.016/pmp, 2007 years 0.03/pmp, a difference of 4 digits. China did not cause brain death in medical practice is one of the reasons of this huge gap, but apparently not the only factor. Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Professor Chen Zhonghua that brain death in China should implement laws and regulations on medical practice and in parallel.

Other countries, China and the world is facing an increasingly severe shortage of organs, organ transplants for severely restricted the role of saving lives should be. Beijing Novartis transplant drugs cause central nervous Director Agricultural Cooperative published data show that China each year more than 50,000 patients need kidney transplants, but can be implemented only 5 of 1000 cases of transplant.

Reasons for the shortage, experts generally believe that, first, because reducing the supply of organs, leading to transplant queue longer, there is another important reason is that our country is not related to brain death legislation, brain death organ donation to be legal support, and Currently brain-dead person's organs donated in the international arena has become a major mode of organ donation.

However, experts expressed optimism that the current brain death legislation has become a global consensus on brain death in China's academic standards have been discussed 14 draft, and Zhejiang has been piloted in 102 cases, only the other administrative departments and the legal profession to be finalized.

Immune suppression Preparation Market expansion According to report, once brain death criteria to establish brain death organ donation organ transplants will become an important new source of organ donation will accelerate the expansion of the scale, but also conducive to immune suppression related Preparation Drug market expansion.

In this year's "two sessions" held in Dalian, China after the seminar on organ transplantation, the country hundreds of experts agreed that organ transplantation, organ transplantation has been carried out can not simply put the number of transplants as a goal to pursue, but rather long-term survival rate as the direction of future efforts, and to enhance the success rate of organ transplant immunosuppressant market became the new areas of concern to the industry. According to SFDA Southern Medicine Economic Research Institute data showed the domestic market has reached immunosuppressant about 100 billion yuan.

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