I Don’t Know How That Japanese Man Is

The massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake in Japan last week really shocked the whole world. What’s worse, the tsunami triggered by this devastating earthquake destroyed buildings, airports, and even the streets in that city. The numbers of casualties are increasing every minute. Thousands of people have been killed and lost so far. Because the Japanese archipelago is located in an area where several continental and oceanic plates meet, this causes frequent earthquakes and the presence of many volcanoes and hot springs across the country itself. If earthquakes occur below or close to the ocean, they may trigger tidal wave, which is also known as tsunami. What we can do is to pray for them.

This earthquake reminds me of a friend from Japan. His English name is Jacob, a fat mid-aged man who is a heavy smoker. He once introduced e cigarette after a meeting last October. E cigarette is short for electronic cigarette. This type of cigarettes is much different from traditional cigarettes, which includes a shell manufactured from metal along with a lithium power supply and that is regular. Other than this, it is made up of tiny electronic signal, a ink cartridge plus an atomizer. That cartridge is additionally exchangeable, nicotine contained with propylene glycol, an aroma which often stimulates the taste in the as well as a membrane layer which suspends every one of the components together.

“I enjoy this electronic cigarette” said this Japanese man with smile. “I obtain the same experience of smoking via using standard cigarettes, yet I can smoke in the room and office every day.

As a smoker, I was so interested in what he told that day, and then I searched on the Internet and found a great deal of information about . The users commented that electronic cigarette is exactly just like the classic cigarette. There are lots of advantages on the . Improvement adds no tar to e cigarette. It is less expensive than traditional cigarettes in the market, and this is the reason why more and more smokers prefer nowadays. In addition, users can buy one electronic cigarette then purchase replacement tubes instead of buying conventional cigarettes every week.

How to choose an electronic cigarette for smoking? As you know, there are a number of brands of in the market now, and no doubt there will be much more. One of my good friends in America told me recently that in California are sold in shopping malls. However, that Japanese man suggested me to buy from a proper online electronics store instead of choosing a cheap knockoff. The cheap one will not make you satisfied. In addition, do not try to refill the replacement cartridges yourselves. In fact, some wholesale stores supply pipette-type nicotine liquid, which you are then supposed to squirt into the used-up cartridge. This can be a messy affair and can also lead to higher doses of nicotine being administered inadvertently. A supplier of quality will not offer this type of product, however it only bring you comfort and convenience.

I don’t know whether that Japanese man is safe now, but I will pray for him.

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