EVE Online to optimize the space wars

Space Simulation EVE Online elements are once again surprised the player’s. Fortunately, positively, at least in essence. EVE Onlinessahan place among other activities, including a huge space wars in which hundreds and even thousands of spacecraft pelaajineen struggle for glory and power. Now the CCP is trying to pelitalo jouheammin wars happen.

Onlinehan EVE takes place in one single game in the world, which is not shared, for example, or WoWin Warhammer differentiated way servers. CCP Games’ A server has to be hard when pelaajakorporaatiot armadansa gather together and glide through space expedition. Suddenly, one or more of the solar system to rotate the server huomaakin the extent multi-player (ten)-ple,eve isk then the space filled missiles, energy rays, intense communication and assist the parties are speeding additional troops. Lagilagilagi.

CCP has been referred to the request that plx, warn us 24 hours before the big attack, that we will fight to reserve your active server.

Nice offer, but also a bit scary.Ihmisiahan CCP each is at work. Ability of administrators to keep turpansa stick, especially if an attack against them with your friends or even their own, some hahmollaan, playing against the country’s corporations? Tina Hats folded already.

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