How Pattern Baldness And Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Are Treated

Despite the fact that loss of hair in males may have various reasons, 90% of all cases result from male pattern baldness. How and why this disorder impacts some men and not others is still cloudy, but many scientists and medics believe that it is all in the genes and has nothing to do with environmental issues. The mechanism of action of MPB, however, is understood and the key part is played by a hormone dihydrotestosterone. The secretion of this hormone in the scalp causes the hair follicles to shrink, which in turn stops new hair from growing, while the secretion of the same hormone in the men’s prostate causes it to enlarge, that causes benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition, which affects near to half of all men over the age sixty.

Due to the fact dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the recognized connection between male pattern baldness and BPH, there is no surprise that both are addressed with the same medication, even though different forms are used. This medicine is Finasteride, that is sold under the label Propecia, when prescribed to men with MPB and as Proscar when given for BPH.

Propecia (Finasteride 1 mg) is, these days, the only daily medication, which is used in hair loss therapy and the only one, whose powerful effect has been proven scientifically. During many clinical studies close to 90% of all males, who took the medicine each day were able to cease the hair loss compared to the 20%, who were given placebo. Additional 45% of the males, who used Finasteride 1mg experienced hair re-growth. These effects have made this medicine well-accepted and the preferred hair loss therapy for scores of males. Nevertheless, the treatment has its downsides as well: the pills should be taken on a daily basis for as long as the patient wants to retain his hair and negative effects are possible as well.

The good news is, these negative effects are generally mild to moderate, impact very few men (they are noted by less than 2% of all treated men), and in many instances go away quickly after the treatment is discontinued. In case you have been prescribed Finasteride 1mg or Finasteride 5mg, you need to understand that this is a Pregnancy X medication, which should not be offered to pregnant women and they should not come close to crushed or damaged pills.

Generic Finasteride is offered mainly over the Internet at cheaper prices, might be purchased securely and safety from the comfort of one’s home, but in case you buy the generics, you need to still speak with your healthcare provider or a pharmacist, and take the pills just as prescribed. You should try using the pills at the same time every day in order to avoid skipping a dose, and if you’re using them for benign prostatic hyperplasia, you need to keep all your prearranged appointments with your physician since he would want to check your progress. In the case of overdosing, serious hypersensitive or negative reactions, you need to go to the nearby emergency room and inform your healthcare provider as well. The medicine is an incredibly powerful hair thinning therapy and works for most males, but if you do not see any development after a year it is not likely that it would work for you, and it is best to confer with your physician about different treatments.

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