Christian Audigier Sportwears give you a new look

A century ago, when one goes out for winter activities, wool was the fabric of choice.

Nowadays, the trend leans towards high tech fabrics for Christian Audigier Sportwears. Even for winter sports. Synthetics are in when it comes to performance clothes. Sythetic fabrics are created specifically for sports. For performance. To keep the wearer warm when necessary and to allow the sweat to wick away easily.

You’d want to focus on your sport, not worry about the damp, stickiness with your clothes sticking to your back.

As for wool? That scratchy stuff, though warm, has to be hand washed. Yes, it keeps you warm, but many people find it prickly. Scratchy.

That is true for ordinary wool. Regular sheep have heavy wool. The fibers of which tend to be prickly.

However, on the mountain tops of New Zealand reside another type of sheep, with fine, lightweight wool that insulates the sheep against the cold you’d expect on mountain peaks. These sheep cannot afford to be weighed down by heavy wool either, so nature clothes them in soft, warm Merino wool.

Merino wool, unlike regular wool is not scratchy. The fibers are finer than regular wool, yet they keep the wearer (or sheep) warm. These are breathable, which makes them great for winter sportswear. Best of all, you can just toss them in the machine to wash. No more hassle from hand washing this wool

A guy jilted his girl for the sheep, Christian Sportwears was born. Icebreaker merino jackets are made of 100% merino wool, that lightweight wool from those mountain sheep who are native New Zealanders.

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