Want Better Gas Mileage? Look To Harley Davidson Bikes

Want better gas mileage? Don’t want to lose your edge? Volts, Prius, or Smartcars not your thing? Why not try a Harley Davidson on for size?

Let’s face it, gas prices are insane. And they’re only going to get worse. Each year the price for a gallon of gas climbs and Wall Street fat cats get fatter and fatter. Meanwhile the average red blooded American gets sucker punched at the pump. As a result more and more people are looking at trading in their cars and opting for a two wheeled mode of transportation. At upwards of 50 miles a gallon, a Harley Davidson takes a little sting out of that pinch at the pump.

The average Harley bike gets around 50 highway miles to the gallon. Remember this is no 200cc, 35 mile per hour slouch Italian motor scooter either. This is pure blooded American muscle. Depending on the model you might even see results as high as 60 plus miles to the gallon or more. The Sportster 883 family checks in at a stunning 60 miles to the gallon right off the factory line. That’s without any Harley Davidson accessories, modifications or tinkering. Meanwhile the 1200cc Road King still garners a startling 45 miles to the gallon itself. That’s a combination of raw horsepower and fuel economy you won’t find in any other machine on the road, especially those bulky V8 SUVs gas guzzling sports cars.

If you’re considering trading in four wheels for two and saving on your costs at the pump, there are a few things to consider. First, think about what type of riding you’ll be doing. Are you going to use your bike mostly for commuting, or are you more interested in recreational riding and touring? If you’re doing a lot of city riding on your commute you might want to consider riding a Sportster, but for long distance highway miles, a bigger bike might be better off. The difference in gas mileage can range anywhere from 5 to 12 miles per gallon on average. Are you a speed freak or more interested in comfort? Depending on your answer you might want to look at a V-Rod or a Soft Tail. There are a number of models to choose from, each offering great fuel economy and a unique riding experience.

Alright, so maybe describing Harley motorcycles in terms of gas mileage goes against everything the company stands for. After all, Harley Davidson earned its reputation on bold steel styling wrapped around roaring powerful engines. Owning a Harley is about freedom, it’s about the open road and the wild west. It’s about riding off into the sunset feeling the wind whip across your face. But all of that said, Harley Davidson bikes still get great gas mileage. And riders care just as much about saving a buck as the next guy.

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