Taking On The Best Persuasion Techniques
If you want to fire up someone’s mind without making them think that you are controlling them, you have come to the right place. There are two essential ways that you want to learn to distinguish: manipulation and persuasion.
When we are interested in making someone think as we do, we need to make sure that that person doesn’t feel that they are under our control. There is, as you may know, a thin line between these two things: persuasion and manipulation. You need to concentrate on the first and avoid the latter.
When you persuade someone, you are getting that person to be convinced to do something for you. Manipulating someone, on the other hand, typically entails the use of dishonest means, and here the ends do not justify the proverbial means.
What differentiates persuasion from manipulation dwells in a person’s motivation. If you are an honest person using honest means, you are not going to be seen as being manipulative.
There are many tactics of persuasion that do not get bogged down into manipulation. The first is to make sure you know how to say what you want to say. Just let people know what you want, what your goal is. Speak up. Share your ideas.
Have you always wanted a big birthday party? Tell your friends that this is something you need, that this would make you pleased. They’ll get the message.
Second, did you know that your friends and relatives tend to replicate your own values? Yes, if you are munificent, for example, they’ll be generous, too.
Also, listen watchfully to what your friends or relatives are saying. See if you can tell whether they have wants or needs. This way you’ll know whether there is something you could do to help them. Then when it’s your turn to need something, they will be happy to rise to the occasion.
Third, be sure to use words of a constructive nature when you address others. Don’t make people sense that gifts or favors will not be rewarded.
Third, employing the good word or sharing good deeds with others will also stand you in good stead. Don’t believe that your gifts will not be appreciated.
If you are always frustrated when things don’t go the way you want them to go, you won’t be the fun person who is perceived as unselfish and therefore deserving of appreciation. So if anyone ever does something for you or gives you a gift, say “thank you” to show that you value the gesture. This will show that you are capable of gratitude, and this will go a long way in your favor.
In the final analysis, do not remove yourself from the party of others. Recall the old song about people needing people; they are the happiest people on earth.
Though life is not always a bowl of cherries, it’s fine to have people on our side when we are overwhelmed by the stresses of work or feel depressed or tired. If such conditions make your friends hesitant in your presence to see what they can do for you, get out of the way for the time being. But do call your friends or send them an e-mail rather than try to keep them attached to you in times that are trying.
If you remain in touch with people in accordance with the guidance given above, people are not going to burn the bridges behind them when you will be in need of their help.
So the techniques we discuss here are the basics of persuasion that show you how to express your needs or wants. Human nature is twofold: we need to help others, even as we want others to help us.
The only way to get assistance or to provide it is to recognize what’s needed or wanted. Just make sure that you don’t abuse people or let them abuse you.
The only way to get or to give help is to formulate your needs or wants. But do make definite that you are neither used no abused. Just get to know the practices of persuasion – you will be able to fire up someone’s mind and get lots of friends and expand your world without becoming a cry-baby.
For more information, visit Persuasive Techniques. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews.