Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas
It’s the time of year for living rooms across the land to be covered in brightly-colored red and green wrapping paper. Are you aware that wrapping paper and packing are to blame for the nation’s twenty-five p.c spike in generated waste between Thanksgiving and New Year’s? So, what is the green-minded gift giver to do? Well, keep on reading for some green gift-wrapping ideas on the best way to give a thoughtfully wrapped present without taking more than your measure of the Earth’s many gifts.
Reusable carrier bags rather than wrapping your gifts in dispensable present bags or wasteful wrapping paper, give a little additional and wrap it up in a reusable carrier bag. Shopping totes are awfully trendy and come in all kinds of styles from hyper green to mega glam. You can pick up reusable carrier bags at your local corner shop, online at sites like or you can make your own at home. Utilize old Maps Now that we are all using GPS and cell telephone navigation systems, those old maps are going to waste. Reclaim old maps to give your gift a vintage cool, wrapped look. Make the Wrapping Part of the Present rather than wrapping your present in paper that is only going to be wasted, make the wrapping or packing part of the present itself. As an example, a watering can makes a great container for a gardening present while a teapot may be the ideal container for a collection of herbal teas. For soft wrapping ideas, try wrapping your presents in fabric items like scarves, an organic baby blanket or a pretty hand towel. Avoid the Tape Not all recycling centers accept wrapping paper and those that do regularly require that it be tape-free. So, skip over the tape and wrap your presents with compostable twine or a bit of crave.
Go Natural for Yard Unearths rather than embellishing your gifts with plastic bows and garish ribbons, look in your own yard for decorations that are both stunning and natural. Sprigs of holly, pinecones, berries and shells are all gorgeous and make shocking accents for any present. Try Banana Paper Banana fiber paper is made of the wasted stalks of the banana tree in the banana cropping process. Try for some awfully lovable and ultra-sustainable designs. Reuse Old Papers and Mags Why buy wrapping materials when you most likely have stacks of it already in your house. You may not need to wrap a present in paper, but you can get artsy with old wallpaper, mags, children’s comics or perhaps old greetings cards. Remember, green is always gorgeous.
It’s not only Christmas that gift wrapping occurs seeing that birth days happen every single day along with anniversaries and other special occasions. Being more eco-friendly with your gift wrapping should be on your mind. Find other great ideas Katie has written about regarding the mattress pad and anti aging products.