The Odd Reason That I Dislike Clubs For Meeting Women

Here is why clubs are the best place to practice meeting women and the worst place to actually get results with women.

What do most men do when they figure out that they’re going to have to go out and actually meet women in order to improve with women? Well, they remember clubs. They see other men going to clubs and approaching women and think that they have to do the same.

Why are clubs so good for meeting women? Well, they are only good because they have a lot of women, a lot of drunk people, and loud music. In fact, it would be better without the music. You can really become a more confident and social person if you go to clubs to practice meeting people. No doubt about this. However, it is strongly advisable that you don’t drink any alcohol. If you approach tons of women while being drunk, it will have no effect later. When you wake up sober, it won’t matter what you did the night before if you were drunk. The courage you did while drunk won’t improve your personality. Doing all that approaching sober will.

If you manage to do that, you will be rewarded with confidence and courage. You will improve your social skills a lot. You will see improvement after some time.

If you want results with women though, clubs are the worst place to go to. It’s too crowded and women are already expecting guys to approach them. Most women will reject any guy who approached them! It is simply because clubs are that way. That same women would probably want to have sex with you if she met you the normal way, through friends or something similar.

Don’t take clubs too seriously. They are just for practice and improvement.

Now, whether you’re one of these guys who looks for good lines, or understands its all about your character, and what kind of a guy you are… I’ve prepared a special quiz for you. Take it here, and get personalized assessment of how you’re doing with women.

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