Singapore Company Name Check

Entrepreneurs, whether local or foreign, who are interested in setting up a Singapore company, must choose the right company name and domain. Online commerce is the current trend in the world so it is important that the business name and the website domain name are the same. Through your company name, your customers can find your company easily, and remember you. You must remember to make sure that your company name has a corresponding available domain name for registration. It is important that there is no existing name in Singapore that is similar to your proposed company name. The company registration authority will not register a company name that is not unique or is already in use by another company.

The number of investors and businessmen interested in incorporating a Singapore company has been growing because of the worldwide reputation of Singapore as good for business. Because of the strong economic status of the country and its continued technological development, a great number of entrepreneurs are encouraged to form a Singapore company.
Rikvin is a very reliable company incorporation firm in Singapore and it has responded to the interest of these entrepreneurs and supported their government and offered professional consultation, quality assistance, and free company name check together with a complete incorporation service.
A detailed outline has been prepared by Rikvin for its clients regarding its free company name check.
As an initial step in the incorporation process, Rikvin performs a company name check in order to ensure availability of the desired company name. In forming a Singapore company, it is important that a unique name is chosen. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) will not allow registration of a company name that is similar to an existing company name.
Rikvin offers free Singapore company name check and includes the following services:
Availability Check. Rikvin provides name availability and conformity service in its name check of your proposed company name/s. This is to see to it that basic rules are not violated by your proposed name.
Two name choices.  Rikvin requires submission of two proposed company names. This is to enable an alternative in case the first choice is not available.
Notification.  For initial check, you will be provided a form. A preliminary check will be conducted by Rikvin in order to look at the availability of your preferred name. An email alert will be sent to you on the same business name regarding the outcome of the name check.
Rikvin assures you of confidentiality of all information in the company name check process. If after reading all the foregoing information, you still have other concerns or inquiries, do not hesitate to consult Rikvin for immediate assistance. Rikvin is always pleased to serve you better.
Resource Box:
Asiabizservices is the leading Singapore Branch Office Registration Services Specialists. It has successfully helped thousands of foreign entrepreneurs manage their Singapore business name check.  Our office is located at Raffles Place, in the heart of the Singapore business district (“CBD”).  If you’re in our neighborhood and want to discuss any aspect of our service then feel free to come in to our offices during business hours.
Our phones are answered during business hours by specialists and not by

an answering machine. We appreciate the value of your time and understand that a person cannot be replaced by technology. This is especially true when it comes to making important business decisions. If you are interested in learning more about Asiabizservices kindly email us at or give us a call at +6563034614.

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