The Real Nice Guys Win

What is a real man? Is it some jerk who goes around acting childish? Or is it a true masculine man who isn’t that insecure that he needs to use fake manipulation in order to attract a woman. I would bet my life on the second guys. Here is why.

Know what kind of guy you don’t want to become. You don’t want to become the nice guy that goes around catering to everyone’s needs. You do not want this. People will walk over you. They will only invite you somewhere if they want to use you. Women will only want you for a friend. They won’t have sex with you. Shy men are usually nice guys. I mean that they use manipulation in order to make a woman like them. This of course turns women off very much. Acting nice only to attract women will backfire on you sooner or later. By the way, the more you worry about upsetting a woman, the greater the chance that she will lose all attraction for you.

What I endorse is a confident gentleman style. It means that you are assertive and confident, but in a nice way. You don’t insult women. I have to clear this up. It’s different to playfully tease women and to insult them. Insulting a woman is something that insecure jerks do. True high class gentlemen don’t do these kinds of things.

A real man approaches a woman and tells her politely that he finds her attractive and that he would like to meet her. Women appreciate this authentic and confident honesty very much. It is so rare today. Most women have given up on the existence of such men. I agree with them. Real men are more rare than diamonds.

Be the vintage sports car. Be rare and woman will fight over you.

And friend, remember this success with women overall can get complicated. I don’t care if you want some pick up lines, or perhaps a boost in confidence… You can ask me for help!

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