Is Your Child a Couch Potato? Tips for Encouraging Healthy Outdoor Play
Has it become obvious to you that your kids are spending a lot more time indoors than you did when you were a child? I’m sure most of you will answer yes, and this is due mainly to the development of electronic games and gadgets that won’t work unless they are plugged into a power outlet. But maybe there is something we can do to change the imbalance. If your family is reluctant to drag themselves away from the computer then we have a few tips to encourage them to spend more time outdoors.
It is a good idea to make outdoor play time a regular part of your child’s daily routine. Have them go outside for a minimum half an hour as soon as they get home from school. Let them know that the Play Station and Xbox will be available to them only after they have had their outdoor play time. If you are consistent and disciplined with this rule your children will adapt quickly.
Naturally, playing outside is no fun on your own. If you have an only child perhaps you could invite some young friends to come over and play. Of course Moms and Dads can be great playmates as well. Make it part of your daily exercise program. You will get the combined benefit of spending time with your child and getting a healthy workout too. Try teaching them some old fashioned games that you used to play. Believe me when I say they will love it.
Having equipment to play with in the backyard will help encourage children outdoors but doesn’t need to be expensive either. For pre-schoolers a sandpit will keep them occupied for hours. Older children enjoy ball games, bikes, skipping ropes and hopscotch. If you have the room, a trampoline, swing set or basketball hoop are great entertainers. There are also games like hide-and-seek that require no equipment, just imagination.
You know why it is important to get your children outside but it won’t happen unless you are prepared to make the necessary changes. Make it your number one priority to get your whole family outside and enjoying life outdoors so you can all enjoy the benefits.
Neene is a mom and content publisher. Visit her new web site for additional information about the installation of playground equipment at your place.