Saving Money with a Defensive Driving Course
There are Many Reasons why your automobile insurance costs keep going up when by all rights they should be going down. There was a time when you reached a certain age that your insurance costs would start to go down and while they do for many people, this may not be so in all cases. On top of this once you begin to cruise up on retirement age, the process reverses and your costs go back up, even if you have a spotless driving record.
Most of us are well aware of the fact that if we get a speeding ticket, you can attend a defensive driving class and have the ticket dismissed so that you do not have to pay the fine and so that your insurance does not go up. However, how many people are aware of the fact that if you take the exact same class because you want to (in other words Officer Ticketmaster has not given you a ticket), you can save up to 10% on your annual insurance premium?
Surprisingly enough very few people seem to be aware that spending a few hours taking a defensive driving class can save them hundreds of dollars the cost of their automobile insurance policy. Of course you will need to check with your current insurance carrier to make sure that they honor this, before you take the class. At the same time taking one of these courses can only serve to improve you overall driving skills and this could save your life at some point so the classes are always worth the money.
You can take a defensive driving course online or offline today to fit in with your schedule and your personal learning abilities. For many of us the idea of sitting in a traditional classroom for 6 hours is fine as long as the class is not terribly boring and can be arranged for a day or evening when it is not going to interfere with our work schedules.
Others of us know that there is no way we are going to sit and listen to an instructor who sounds like Ben Stein drone on and on for 6 hours, broken up by boring video presentations that he probably narrated. This type of class could easily be labeled as cruel and unusual punishment in almost any court in the country.
For this many states are now allowing you to take your defensive driving class online instead. This means that you can put on your pajamas and sit in the comfort of your living room, den or anywhere that you can access a computer and take your classes. However, you might not want to wear your pajamas to the local library, so keep this in mind.
Not only can you take your defensive driving class online, but when you take it this way, you do not have to take it all at the same time. While you still have to take the full six hours of class, you can take it in smaller bites. You can log into your account and study for as long as you have time for and then log back out. The program will keep track of your progress and take you back to where you left off when you logged out.
Taking a defensive driving class has never been easier and more convenient. Even more importantly if you take your course through Speed Relief, you will find that this may be one of the most enjoyable driving classes you have ever attended as we do not employee anyone even closely related to Ben Stein as instructors or narrators for our classes. We have found that the average person learns far more easily and retains more of what they have learned if they enjoy the class.
Our instructors are serious about the subject they are teaching as it is a very important course that could save your life or the lives of others. At the same time, many of them could easily be working in the local comedy clubs (rumor has it that some of them actually are).
At Speed Relief we have designed both our offline and online defensive driving courses to be fun, funny and very educational. This is a serious subject and we take it as seriously as possible, we just want to make sure you remember what you learn. Our courses are fully recognized by the state of Texas and can help you save money on your insurance and have those nasty tickets dismissed in court.