Golf Swing Plane: Be A Great Golfer Immediately!
Golf is one of the most popular sports on the whole planet. However, a layman would be hard pressed to define the meaning of a golf swing plane. First of all, let us start off with stating that the golf swing plane is not a tool, it is an element.
The golf swing plane is crucial because it determines whether a golfer will win or throw a game. One of the most famous golfers known for exceptional display of his golf swing plane is Ben Hogan. By the way, Ben Hogan is also a member of the Professional Golfer’s Association of America.
It is best to envision the golf swing taking the motion of a pendulum. As you swing the golf club, let the rod follow the arc not unlike that of a pendulum. Should the pattern of your golf club waver, you will probably hook and slice the ball instead.
This also surely indicates that your method of swinging the golf club is off center. If the swing is too far out of the golf ball perimeter, straighten your posture and reign in your arms. If the swing is too far inside of the golf ball perimeter, tilt your body forward to increase the contact area.
It is preferable to execute a perfect golf swing because corrections midway to a swing will use up the golfer’s power as well as concentration during the shot itself. Ideally, you should have already mastered your swing plane even before you start taking shots from the golf ball. This can only be achieved if and only if the golfer has already mastered the basics of a good golf swing.
First of all, you need to maintain good stance. You should be bending forward at the hips with bent knees and a flat back. With your shoulders straight, do not swing with your arms.
During a back swing, slightly turn your shoulders to create torque during the swing. As the golf club swings downwards, you will then find that the turning force is released at the waist area. It is crucial that you avoid swinging yourself backwards, because that will counter the torque and cause your golf ball to slice.
A great tip for helping you keep your swing plane is to poke two sticks into the ground and practice your swing without touching the sticks. Also note that the two sticks should be approximately three inches apart from tip to tip. For more information on the golf swing plane, do look up The Simple Swing e-book.
How well do you know golf terminology? Click here to read more about the golf swing plane.