Winter Moving Tips:
It can be difficult and frustrating to move during the winter months. Snow and ice tend to slow moving down. Here are some helpful moving tips to keep you safe, and happy, this winter:
Dress warm. Being warm during the cold, blistery months will greatly improve your move. It’s a smart idea to keep extra warm pieces of clothing handy while moving, especially items that can be used to layer – such as blankets, coats, socks and sweatshirts.
Avoid slipping on ice by taking care of your side walk. Shovel and salt walkways, stairs, steps, driveways, or anywhere else you will have to walk through when moving. Keep your snow shovel close by in case you need it.
Walk carefully and slowly. You may have just shoveled the walkway, but that never is a guarantee that you didn’t miss a slippery spot. Make certain to trudge carefully because slipping or falling during your move can be very dangerous.
Watch for changing weather. Keep an eye out for any snow storms or bad whether that may slow your move down. During the winter it is especially important to keep track of any weather changes and plan your move accordingly.
Protect the carpets in your home. Wintertime brings mud and snow, both things that can easily be tracked into your home. Cover your carpets to protect them from getting damaged, especially the high traffic areas.
Another option for the snow and mud problem would be to do the move in teams. Have one team of a few people stay outside delivering things from the truck to the front door, and another team inside the home taking the packages from the door to their rightful places in the home. Or you also could move the items to a moderately clean place, like a garage, and then move the items into the home from there once everyone cleans off their shoes.
Have extra people on the job so that you can spend less time in the cold. If you can plan the time of your move, you will probably have more help if you choose to move during the weekend and not during a major holiday, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving when a lot of people are tied down to plans. Keep your contact information handy through out the move so you have people to call in case you need extra help.
Two Man Movers is a Utah Moving Company that specializes in Piano moving, residential and commercial mover. With Ten years of experience, these Salt Lake City movers will make your move easy and safe.