5 Things you didn’t know About Social Networking
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“1. Social Media helps people stay connected instantly around the world.
The world of Social Media is just about the same size as the world we live in today. People in almost all countries are on the Internet, using social media applications. Your voice on the Internet has an endless reach when using Social Media applications.
2. Billions beyond billions of Social Media files, messages, texts and so forth on Facebook a month alone!
Facebook’s core mission is to allow friends to share and connect with each other.. Users of Facebook share over 25 billion pieces of content a month. Whether it’s pictures, comments, or links to other sites, Facebook users are sharing information at a rapid pace. Being on Facebook puts you in the middle of this sharing frenzy and helps you stay up to date on hot topics from all over the world.
3. Social Media in Blog Form tend to be read by 77% of all Internet users
No more than a little over a decade ago, the norm of distributing news and info was through physical printed newspapers, TV, magazines and so on. Today it seems like the main source of information for people is the Internet. Social Media, in the form of Blogs are read by 77% of all Internet users. With such a high percentage, blogging is really a powerful medium for reaching the public.
4. 90% of all Internet users know at least one Social Media Network
Social Media is swiftly becoming associated with the World wide web. 90% of all Internet people understand a minimum of one Social Media Community, which means that having a presence on say, Facebook makes you probably visible to all those users. Spreading your message to the masses has never been easier than with Social Media Networks.
5. 80% of all businesses think about the Social Media System “Linkedin” whenever hiring.
Social Media Networks can also be valuable for your career. Professional Social Networks like “Linkedin.com” offer a place to showcase your resume, professional connections and job recommendations. Today 80% of all companies consider “Linkedin” profiles when they are hiring. This means having a presence on Linkedin can help improve your chances of getting a job.
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